Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall

Contact: Annie May  01604 837355

No. Item



To approve the minutes of the proceedings of the Meetings of the Council held on 27th February and 9th March 2006.


At this juncture prayers were said for Councillor Roy following the deaths of both her parents the previous week. 


The minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on 27 February, 2006amended to include Councillor Allen in the list of those present and the minutes of the special meeting held on 9 March, 2006 were signed by the Mayor. 




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Hollis, Hope, Marriott, Mason and Simpson.


Mayor's Announcements.


The Mayor announced that pupils of Billingbrook School had compiled a newspaper featuring all the good news things about the Town and had interviewed various people including the Mayor,and visited venues such as   78 Derngate, Sixfields, etc.  She stated that she would be sending a copy of the newspaper to the editor of the Chronicle and Echo for information.


Deputations/Public Addresses/Questions.


RESOLVED:That Mr P Varnsverry and Mr.Connell be permitted to address the Council in respect of Item 6(A) – Notice of Motion on Delapre and that Ms J West and Mr S McQuade be permitted to address the Council in respect of Item 6(B) the Notice of Motion regarding the Arts Collective.


Notices of Motion

(A)   The following motion to be moved by Councillor Woods and seconded by Councillor Taylor:-


That procedural rule 3.4 be suspended to enable the following motion to be discussed and a vote to be taken


“This Council notes that with  reference to the Urgent Motion to Council on 27th February a resolution was passed allowing three representatives to attend a meeting of Delapre Ward Councillors, the Portfolio Holder, NBC officers and three community representatives.


This Council further notes that the first meeting of the Delapre Park Consultation Group held on 7th March was attended by a delegation of seven representatives and was unable to proceed.


This Council resolves to increase the number of representatives to attend Delapre Park Consultation Group from three to seven to enable the meeting to proceed.”





(B) The following motion to be moved  by Councillor  Glynane and duly  seconded:-


That procedural rule 3.4 be suspended to  enable the following motion to be discussed and a vote to be taken


“This Council notes and encourages the aspiration of the Northampton Arts Collective to establish an Arts Centre within Northampton town centre believing that such a facility would have positive regeneration benefits and would add significantly to the cultural standing and diversity of the town.


This Council further notes that the Northampton Arts Collective have been negotiating for the temporary use of the Market Hall (the Fish Market) for this purpose and have received encouragement and indications of support from various bodies locally, regionally and nationally for this exciting project.


Appreciating the legal and financial constraints this Council requests the Cabinet to facilitate the establishment of an Arts Centre on a temporary basis in the Market Hall from July 2006 for a period of not less than twelve months.    


At this juncture the Mayor agreed to vary the order of business to take Item 6 – Notices of Motion as the next item.


(A)   Councillor Glynane proposed and Councillor M Hoare seconded;- “That Procedural Rule 3.4 be suspended to enable the following motion to be discussed and a vote to be taken.” 


The motion was carried.


Councillor Glynane then proposed and Councillor M Hoare seconded the motion:- “This Council notes that with reference to the urgent motion to Council on 27 February a resolution was passed allowing three representatives to attend a meeting of Delapre Ward Councillors, the Portfolio Holder, NBC officers and three community representatives.


This Council further notes that the first meeting of the Delapre Park Consultation Group held on 7 March was attended by a delegation of seven representatives and was unable to proceed. 


This Council resolves to increase the number of representatives to attend Delapre Park Consultation Group from three to seven to enable the meeting to proceed.”


Mr Varnsverry then addressed the Council urging that the number of representatives on the Delapre Park Consultation Group be increased from three to seven.  He then went on to express his concerns over the situation at Delapre expressing the view that this was a very unsatisfactory situation. 


Mr Connell withdrew his request to address the Council. 


The motion was then duly debated.


  Councillor Hadland proposed and Councillor Woods seconded an amendment to the motion so that it reads, “This Council resolves to increase the number of representatives to attend Delapre Park Consultation Group from three to seven to enable the meeting to proceed and that the Group also include the three Group Leaders or their nominees”.


Councillor Glynane as the mover of the original motion accepted the amendment.


A vote was then taken upon the motion as amended and it was carried as set below:


“This Council notes that with reference to the urgent motion to Council on 27 February a resolution was passed allowing three representatives to attend a meeting of Delapre Ward Councillors, the Portfolio Holder, NBC officers and three community representatives.


This Council further notes that the first meeting of the Delapre Park Consultation Group held on 7 March was attended by a delegation of seven representatives and was unable to proceed.


This Council resolves to increase the number of representatives to attend Delapre Park Consultation Group from three to seven to enable the meeting to proceed and also to include the three Group Leaders or their Nominees.”




(B)   Councillor Woods proposed and Councillor Barron seconded;- “That Procedural Rule 3.4 be suspended to enable the following motion to be discussed and a vote to be taken.”


The motion was carried.


  Councillor Woods then proposed and Councillor Barron seconded the motion as set out:- “This Council notes and encourages the aspiration of the Northampton Arts Collective to establish an Arts Centre within Northampton Town Centre believing that such a facility would have positive regeneration benefits and would add significantly to the cultural standing and diversity  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


To answer questions asked under Council Procedural Rule 5.2.


Councillor B Markham asked Councillor Caswell, as the Portfolio Holder, a series of questions about the arrangements and contract regarding the Adshel bus shelters.  He asked whether the Portfolio Holder would work with Adshel, Northamptonshire County Council and the Police to alleviate some of the current problems and issues that had arisen regarding these shelters.  Councillor Caswell advised that pending future transfer to the County Council, interim management and reporting of damaged shelters was currently being undertaken by Planning officers in the Regeneration and Growth Team.  Ultimately the future management of NBC bus stop/shelters etc, including transfer of the Adshel contract, would  be the responsibility of the County Council.  Councillor Caswell then briefly outlined the maintenance standards under the current contract with Northampton Borough Council.  He added that it was disappointing that instances of vandalism to shelters appeared to have increased in recent years with shelters becoming targets for mindless acts of destruction.  Northampton was not the only place where this was occurring however.  He stated that he would investigate with Adshel if more priority could be given to the repair of shelters which were prominent and highly used.  He would also examine the replacement of toughened glass with polycarbonate sheeting.  Councillor Caswell also undertook to ensure that Northamptonshire County Council assumed responsibility for bus shelters in Northampton as soon as possible in accordance with the terms of the transfer of staff so that there was a single point of contact and management for provision of bus stops and shelters in Northampton.


Councillor Taylor asked a question about the Market Square.  She asked the Portfolio Holder whether the internationally acclaimed Underscan Event held on the Market Square in February had shown that the Market Square could be used as a place where people could meet, watch or take part in events as well as a place to buy quality fresh produce.  She asked when the proposals for the Square drawn up by Letts Wheeler would be shown to the public as part of the promised consultation on future plans and asked to be reminded of the costs for the proposals so far.  She also asked when plans for creating space for future events or for public seating on the Market Square would be implemented.  Councillor Hadland advised that a Project Manager for Markets had been appointed on a six months contract to kick-start the changes.  One of his tasks was to look at implementing the removal of obsolete stalls and creating space for other facilities and events.  There were some key issues that would need to be addressed in delivering the changes and they included the provision of alternative service supplies and the likely relocation of the compactor.  In terms of the consultation process this had been affected by the Root and Branch restructure.  The consultation exercise would need to be revisited and planned to ensure that everyone had the opportunity to view the future proposals.  A definitive timetable for the consultation exercise was not available at this time but  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Northampton Development Framework - Statement of Community Involvement Adoption pdf icon PDF 61 KB

(copy herewith)

Additional documents:


Councillor Caswell presented for consideration a report which was duly seconded by Councillor Hadland  advising of the binding recommendations of the Inspector who considered the soundness of  the Statement of Community Involvement and asking Council to adopt the Statement of Community Involvement as amended by those recommendations’ as recommended by the Cabinet. 


RESOLVED:That the Statement of Community Involvement as recommended by the Cabinet be adopted.


Reconfiguring Primary Care Trusts in Northamptonshire pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Additional documents:


NB            Councillor Roy declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item and left the meeting.


Councillor Hadland presented a report inviting Council to endorse the response to the consultation on the options for reconfiguring Primary Care Trusts in Northamptonshire agreed by the Improvement Board on 16 March.  The report was duly seconded by Councillor Hill.  It was noted that Improvement Board had agreed Option 1, namely one PCT for the County of Northamptonshire.


RESOLVED: That Council endorse the response made to the Strategic Health Authority, namely Option 1, in response to their consultation on the options for reconfiguring Primary Care Trusts in Northamptonshire.


Statute Authorisations pdf icon PDF 98 KB

(copy herewith)


Councillor J Lill presented this report which was duly seconded by Councillor Flavell.  It was noted that the report had been endorsed by Cabinet on 6 March and was referred to Council for final approval.  Its purpose was to update and extend the existing procedure for authorising individual members of staff within Environmental Health to carry out enforcement functions described by statute.


RESOLVED:That the following recommendations endorsed by Cabinet be  adopted:


                        (1)The Environmental Health Manager, Development and Building Control Manager be authorised to approve individual authorisations for members of Northampton Borough Council staff involved with the enforcement of environmental planning and building related legislation.  That the authority to authorise staff be extended for the Environmental Health Manager to include those within other divisions of NBC and Parish Councils that may be part of an enforcement matrix involved with environmental related enforcements.


                        (2)The Register of Authorisation is maintained by the respective officers of those staff that are deemed to have the relevant competencies and follow the prescribed processes for the application of the duties within each of the services.


                        (3)That the Environmental Health Manager be appointed as Proper Officer for the Purpose of Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984, Public Health (Control of Diseases) Regulations 1988 and Section 48 of the National Assistance Act 1948.


                        (4)That for the purposes of Section 40 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 the power of closure (in cases of environmental related nuisance) be delegated from the Chief Officer of the Council to the Environmental Health Manager.


Overview and Scrutiny Report on Planning pdf icon PDF 561 KB

(copy herewith)


Councillor Glynane introduced the report of the Overview & Scrutiny Planning Task and Finish Group which had been produced by Councillors Lane and Church and upon which Councillor Lane elaborated.  He drew attention to a series of recommendations as a result of the deliberations of the Task and Finish Group for the Council’s consideration.  Councillor B Hoare commented that with regard to Recommendation 9 which suggested  that the protocol for the meeting be sent out to those registering to speak so that there were aware of what to expect,would not work in practical terms as the cut-off point for registering to speak was noon on the day of the meeting.


Councillor Yates referred to Recommendation 2 which was recommending that MPs and County Councillors be given the same right to speak as Ward Councillors and suggested that Parish Councillors also be included.  On this point further comment was made that not all of the Borough’s area was Parished and this needed further careful consideration.  Councillor Flavell, as the Portfolio Holder advised that she had noted the points made and suggested that further consideration be given to the report and that such it be delegated to officers to implement in consultation with herself. 


RESOLVED:That the report of the Overview & Scrutiny Planning Task and Finish Group be received and noted and that it be delegated to officers to implement in consultation with Councillor Flavell, the Portfolio Holder, and that any amendments be made as appropriate.


Progress on Recovery Plan

Report of the Leader on behalf of the Improvement Board


The Leader of the Council referred to a letter from the ODPM with regard to a recent planning inspection into our planning processes and the Council had been congratulated on the excellent progress it was making. Copies of this letter would be circulated. He then gave an update on the latest position with regard to  the Recovery Plan. Thirty five projects were currently running with twenty nine on green, so they were on track, five on amber with only one on red.  With regard to the core system for benefits the numbers still outstanding were falling.  The new Recovery Plan  was made up of twenty projects which included managing voids, development control, etc. It was noted that the latest CPA Progress Report was due Thursday 30 March. 


Political Structures and Miscellaneous Matters - Report of Solicitor to the Council pdf icon PDF 515 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Palethorpe presented the Political Structures and Miscellaneous Matters Report which was duly seconded by Councillor Hadland and which sought approval to a number of changes to the Constitution and miscellaneous matters as outlined.  Attention was drawn to the item Mayoralty Formula and it was suggested that the wording be amended to read “the Formula” rather than “a Formula”.  Councillor Hadland also drew attention to the composition of the Cabinet and sought endorsement to Councillor Larratt as a member of the Cabinet.


Councillor Perkins referred to page 8 of the report regarding Portfolio Holder presentations and suggested that the timings be switched so that the time for presentations be five minutes and that the Councillors have a maximum of ten minutes in which to ask any relevant questions based on the presentations.  He suggested that this paragraph be referred back to the constitutional working party for clarification but that the timings be switched around in the interim. 


Councillor Church commented upon the makeup of the Cabinet commenting that this had been agreed some time ago in the spirit of the Corporate Plan and therefore the composition of the Portfolios should remain a decision of full Council.  As such he suggested that recommendation five be amended to include the word existing so that it reads, “to assign existing Portfolio responsibilities to members of the Cabinet”.  Following some discussion on these points Councillor Barron formally moved and Councillor Evans seconded the amendments.


Following further discussion it was suggested that the status quo remain until annual Council but that the matter be referred to Improvement Board to discuss the matter further. 


RESOLVED:That Council note the report and:


                        (1)Delegates powers to the Solicitor to the Council to make changes to the Constitution to enable delegated decision making by Cabinet members to be made in the format outlined in the report.


                        (2)Agrees the changes to the format of Council meetings and delegates powers to the Solicitor to the Council to make changes to the Constitution (including standing orders) to implement the changes.


                        (3)Agrees the principle of using the formula based approach for appointing the Mayor from May 2007.


                        (4)That Councillors Hadland and Palethorpe be appointed Chair and Deputy Chair of the Improvement Board respectively.


                        (5)That in terms of Cabinet and Portfolio responsibilities to members of the Cabinet, powers be delegated to the Leader until Annual Council and that the matter be referred to the Improvement Board for further consideration. 


                        (6)That Councillor Roger Conroy be appointed to the Licensing Committee.


                        (7)That Councillor Larratt’s appointment as a Cabinet Member be endorsed.


Report of Remuneration Panel pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Hadland presented this report seeking approval to amend the Council’s current scheme on members’ allowances to take into account the advice received by the Council’s independent remuneration panel.  In presenting the report he drew particular attention to paragraph 2 regarding the current travel allowance advising that this would start from 1 April.  Councillor J Lill advised that with regard to claiming travel expenses for mileage travelled, new VAT regulations were coming into effect from 1 April and mileage claims would have to be accompanied by a receipt for the fuel purchased.  It was noted that the accountants would be asked to look at this new regulation. 


RESOLVED:That the report be received and that Council notes the advice of the independent Remuneration Panel and in accordance with its advice agrees to amend the Council’s Remuneration Scheme to enable the following:


                        (1)That the basic allowance for all Councillors be increased to £6,000 per annum and backdated to 1 September 2005.


                        (2)That the current travel allowance of £600 per year regardless of the amount of travel undertaken be removed and that travel within the Borough should be claimed for in the same way as outside the Borough.


                        (3)That the special responsibility allowance for members of the Improvement Board should be set at £6,000 per annum and backdated to 1 September 2005 and that the Special Responsibility Allowance for the Chair of Overview & Scrutiny should be set at £3,000 per annum and backdated to 1 September 2005 and that the Special Responsibility Allowance for the Chair of Audit Committee should be set at £2,000 per annum backdated to 1 September 2005.


                        (4)That Council notes that a full review will be brought to the 22 May Council meeting and that review will consider all allowances including the allowances agreed in this report.


Nominations to WNDC Planning Committee pdf icon PDF 333 KB


Councillor Hadland presented the report asking that Councillors nominate a representative and a substitute from each of the three main political parties to represent Northampton Borough Council on the West Northants Development Corporation Planning Committee.  It was noted that these representatives would be party to strategic planning decisions made by the WNDC with respect to the regeneration of Northampton and the growth agenda.


RESOLVED:(1) That Councillor Flavell be nominated on behalf of the Conservative Group, substitute to be advised, that Councillor B Markham with Councillor Church substitute be nominated on behalf of the Lib Dem Group and that Councillor Patterson with Councillor Evans substitute be nominated on behalf of the Labour Group.



                           (2)  That it be noted that these representatives will be party to strategic planning decisions made by the WNDC with respect to the regeneration of Northampton and the growth agenda.


                        (3)That the Solicitor to the Council be authorised to undertake any amendments necessary to the Council’s Constitution to implement these nominations and to report to full Council on any changes made.


Matters of Urgency Which By Reason Of Special Circumstances The Mayor is of The Opinion Should Be Considered.


There were none.


The meeting concluded at 8:55 pm.