Agenda item

Notices of Motion

(A)   The following motion to be moved by Councillor Woods and seconded by Councillor Taylor:-


That procedural rule 3.4 be suspended to enable the following motion to be discussed and a vote to be taken


“This Council notes that with  reference to the Urgent Motion to Council on 27th February a resolution was passed allowing three representatives to attend a meeting of Delapre Ward Councillors, the Portfolio Holder, NBC officers and three community representatives.


This Council further notes that the first meeting of the Delapre Park Consultation Group held on 7th March was attended by a delegation of seven representatives and was unable to proceed.


This Council resolves to increase the number of representatives to attend Delapre Park Consultation Group from three to seven to enable the meeting to proceed.”





(B) The following motion to be moved  by Councillor  Glynane and duly  seconded:-


That procedural rule 3.4 be suspended to  enable the following motion to be discussed and a vote to be taken


“This Council notes and encourages the aspiration of the Northampton Arts Collective to establish an Arts Centre within Northampton town centre believing that such a facility would have positive regeneration benefits and would add significantly to the cultural standing and diversity of the town.


This Council further notes that the Northampton Arts Collective have been negotiating for the temporary use of the Market Hall (the Fish Market) for this purpose and have received encouragement and indications of support from various bodies locally, regionally and nationally for this exciting project.


Appreciating the legal and financial constraints this Council requests the Cabinet to facilitate the establishment of an Arts Centre on a temporary basis in the Market Hall from July 2006 for a period of not less than twelve months.    


At this juncture the Mayor agreed to vary the order of business to take Item 6 – Notices of Motion as the next item.


(A)   Councillor Glynane proposed and Councillor M Hoare seconded;- “That Procedural Rule 3.4 be suspended to enable the following motion to be discussed and a vote to be taken.” 


The motion was carried.


Councillor Glynane then proposed and Councillor M Hoare seconded the motion:- “This Council notes that with reference to the urgent motion to Council on 27 February a resolution was passed allowing three representatives to attend a meeting of Delapre Ward Councillors, the Portfolio Holder, NBC officers and three community representatives.


This Council further notes that the first meeting of the Delapre Park Consultation Group held on 7 March was attended by a delegation of seven representatives and was unable to proceed. 


This Council resolves to increase the number of representatives to attend Delapre Park Consultation Group from three to seven to enable the meeting to proceed.”


Mr Varnsverry then addressed the Council urging that the number of representatives on the Delapre Park Consultation Group be increased from three to seven.  He then went on to express his concerns over the situation at Delapre expressing the view that this was a very unsatisfactory situation. 


Mr Connell withdrew his request to address the Council. 


The motion was then duly debated.


  Councillor Hadland proposed and Councillor Woods seconded an amendment to the motion so that it reads, “This Council resolves to increase the number of representatives to attend Delapre Park Consultation Group from three to seven to enable the meeting to proceed and that the Group also include the three Group Leaders or their nominees”.


Councillor Glynane as the mover of the original motion accepted the amendment.


A vote was then taken upon the motion as amended and it was carried as set below:


“This Council notes that with reference to the urgent motion to Council on 27 February a resolution was passed allowing three representatives to attend a meeting of Delapre Ward Councillors, the Portfolio Holder, NBC officers and three community representatives.


This Council further notes that the first meeting of the Delapre Park Consultation Group held on 7 March was attended by a delegation of seven representatives and was unable to proceed.


This Council resolves to increase the number of representatives to attend Delapre Park Consultation Group from three to seven to enable the meeting to proceed and also to include the three Group Leaders or their Nominees.”




(B)   Councillor Woods proposed and Councillor Barron seconded;- “That Procedural Rule 3.4 be suspended to enable the following motion to be discussed and a vote to be taken.”


The motion was carried.


  Councillor Woods then proposed and Councillor Barron seconded the motion as set out:- “This Council notes and encourages the aspiration of the Northampton Arts Collective to establish an Arts Centre within Northampton Town Centre believing that such a facility would have positive regeneration benefits and would add significantly to the cultural standing and diversity of the Town. 


This Council further notes that the Northampton Arts Collective have been negotiating for the temporary use of the Market Hall (the Fish Market) for this purpose and have received encouragement and indications of support from various bodies locally, regionally and nationally for this exciting project.


Appreciating the legal and financial constraints this Council requests the Cabinet to facilitate the establishment of an Arts Centre on a temporary basis in the Market Hall from July 2006 for a period of not less than twelve months.”


Jane West, Chair of Northampton Arts Collective, then addressed the Council thanking Councillors and the Arts Team for their support.  She briefly outlined the purpose of the NAC which essentially was to create a focus for the arts community and to help improve the cultural profile for the Town.  She referred to events already carried out in the Market Hall and stated that as a building it was a perfect venue for what the Northampton Arts Collective wanted to do.


Stuart McQuade, Chief Executive of Encompass, then addressed the Council stating that in the time he had known the NAC he had found them to be highly organised with a true sense of cohesion. 


The motion was then duly discussed, voted upon and carried.


At this juncture the meeting adjourned for ten minutes to move upstairs to the Council chamber. 


The meeting resumed in the Council chamber.