Agenda item

Local Plan

(Copy herewith)



2.1       Cabinet approved the Proposed Submission version of the Local Plan Part 2, Policies Map and Sustainability Appraisal for publication under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 as amended.


2.2      The Head of Planning was given delegated authority in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning to make minor non-material spelling, formatting, mapping and other amendments to the consultation documents where they do not alter the intent of the plan.



Councillor Hill as the relevant Cabinet Member submitted a report presenting the proposed Local Plan, setting out the planning policy framework for the Borough until 2029.  He pointed out that there would be a consultation on the Local Plan from 1 May 2019 until 14 June 2019.


Housing numbers had been the key driver and sites had been found to deliver and meet the objectives, as explained in Appendix C (pages 940-943).  There had been some changes as follows:


Site 1007 – reduction from 44 to 22

Site 1009 – change in timeframe (6-10 years not 0-5 years) resulting in a reduction from 271 to 100

Site 1137 – reduction from 92 to 74.


This had resulted in a reduction of 211 dwellings, but the outcome of the plan would not be affected.  These changes would be made to the Local Plan before consultation.


Councillor Hill expressed thanks to the team for producing the Plan.


Councillor Brian Markham noted that housing numbers had not been delivered in the previous Local Plan.  There had been a fall back on SUEs, with large developers having no incentive to develop the land.  Affordable housing had also been affected.  Councillor Hill acknowledged that SUEs had under-delivered, and the Housing Technical Paper had been written to address this issue.


The Head of Planning stated that there were regular discussions with developers and landowners – but these were circumstances beyond our control.


Councillor Beardsworth noted the shortage of housing stock and wondered whether there were options for self-build.  The Head of Planning stated that a register of plots was available.  In response to Councillor Beardsworth’s question, he also advised that a tracked changes version of the Local Plan would be available electronically at the next stage in the adoption process.


Councillor Birch referred to the wildlife area behind St George’s Avenue and asked that this area be protected.


Councillor Stone referred to air quality on page 56 and noted that there was no strategy to stop cars idling.  She considered that cars should be restricted around school entrances.  Councillor Hallam stated that air quality had been monitored close to three schools where problems might be expected, but raw data showed no issues.  Schools were only occupied part-time – whereas living in an area of air pollution could cause greater problems.  Councillor Stone believed that air quality should be monitored inside school buildings rather than outside.


Councillor Stone reported concerns on behalf of Councillor Roberts regarding development around Ransome Road.  Parking had been a problem and more and better play areas were needed.  Adoption of roads in new developments was also an issue.


Councillor Stone also pointed out that climate change was an issue for many young people and the effects needed to be mitigated by protection of public spaces.


Councillor Russell expressed concern about Bradlaugh Fields in her ward, which was seeking a green flag award but needed support.  She wanted to know the terms and conditions of the covenant on the land and whether a SSSI could be applied for.  Councillor King agreed to provide the information required.


Councillor Hill reiterated that written submissions would be welcomed as part of the consultation.




2.1       Cabinet approved the Proposed Submission version of the Local Plan Part 2, Policies Map and Sustainability Appraisal for publication under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 as amended.


2.2      The Head of Planning was given delegated authority in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning to make minor non-material spelling, formatting, mapping and other amendments to the consultation documents where they do not alter the intent of the plan.


Supporting documents: