Agenda item

N/2018/0710 - Outline planning application for 14 residential dwellings with all matters reserved except access. Land off, Mill Lane, Dallington


The Principal Planning Officer submitted a report and elaborated thereon. Members’ attention was drawn to the addendum which contained further representations and an additional condition. The Committee heard that the majority of the site was covered by wildlife and protected by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs).  The presence of protected species had been noted and mitigated by conditions. It was explained that a new right-turn from the site would be created exiting the site and Members noted that the Highway Authority had not raised an objection to the application.


Councillor G Eales, in his capacity as the Ward and County Councillor for Spencer, spoke against the application and voiced concerns around the potential impact on wildlife, traffic and the lack of lighting. His primary concern was security and he stated that the area would see an increase in crime if the site was opened.


Responding to a question, Councillor Eales explained that many residents he had spoken to had seen wildlife on the site, and noted that the report referred to badgers.


Raymond Dumont, a local resident, spoke against the application and stated that there had been a lack of transparency surrounding the application as he believed there had been no feedback following the consultation and that the traffic survey had taken place whilst Harlestone Road was closed. Mr Dumont raised further concerns related to noise, security and overshadowing of existing properties.


In response to a question, Mr Dumont stated that he had previously seen the lake freeze over which concerned him if children were to have access to it.


Kevin Fisher, a local resident, spoke against the application and voiced concerns around flooding and stated that there was not enough information on the plan to make an informed decision.


Stephen Lucas, the agent on behalf of the applicant, spoke in favour of the application and noted that there were no highway or ecology objections; he explained that 25% of the land would be retained, including lakeside woodland which would be fenced off. He further stated that the applicant would agree to the addition of a gate to serve the site, if the Committee requested it.


In response to questions, Mr Lucas stated that a buffer zone would be created between the developments and the lake, with fencing to be erected that was suitable for wildlife. He explained that it would be the responsibility of the developer to maintain the wildlife area and that these details would form part of a management plan; residents would pay a service charge in respect of this maintenance.


Responding to a question related to the highway survey, Mr Lucas commented that the Highway authority would have taken all factors into account when making their comments.


The Principal Planning Officer advised that the Wildlife Trust and Ecology Inspector had found no evidence of great crested newts on the site.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report and the addendum and with amended Condition 11.

Supporting documents: