Agenda item

N/2018/0187 - Demolish existing buildings to enable the development of a three storey building to accommodate a 2 Form Entry Primary School, 4 Form Entry Secondary School and Sixth Form (Use Class D1) including associated works, car parking, boundary treatment and the refurbishment of the existing Sports Pavilion and provision of school playing fields. Wootton Hall Police Headquarters Wootton Hall Park, Mereway


The Solicitor advised Members to disregard an email that had been circulated to Planning Committee members prior to the meeting since the standards complaint it referred to was still ongoing and asked that its content have no bearing on their decision.


The Principal Planning Officer submitted a report and elaborated thereon. Members’ attention was drawn to the addendum which contained additional comments from local residents as well as Councillor Larratt and Eldred, and the Police Crime Prevention Design Adviser. An additional condition (Condition 25) was recommended to secure a warning system for police deployment. It was highlighted that Councillors Larratt and Eldred had circulated a further representation to Committee Members following the publication of the addendum relating to wildlife concerns. The Committee heard that as part of the development, improvements to the access road would take place to mitigate potential highway impacts, secured by Condition 9 in the report. An independent ecology assessment and bat survey had been undertaken and, whilst several protected trees would be removed, they would be replaced on a two for one basis. It was explained that the application had been updated with an amendment to the south boundary fencing, in order to ensure that the proposal did not prejudice the existing cricket pitch. It was further noted that the applicant planned to continue to allow community use of the sports facilities.


Ron Dean, a local resident, spoke against the application and stated that whilst he was not against a new school, he had concerns around highway safety due to the lack of a footpath on the east/west access road. He further highlighted that police vehicles currently parked along the east/west access road.


Councillor Eldred, speaking on behalf of Councillor Larratt as well as himself, spoke against the application and noted disappointment with the loss of open space. He stated that the situation in the area was dangerous for drivers and questioned whether the land used to house the temporary school would be returned to its former state once planning permission had expired. Councillor Eldred hoped that the cost to hire the sports facilities, should the application be approved, would be in line with NBC prices.


In response to questions, Councillor Eldred explained that a football pitch on the Racecourse could be hired for 90 minutes for approximately £23.


Dan Rosser, the school’s principal, spoke in favour of the application and stated that there was a shortage of school places in the county and that the proposed development went some way to alleviate this issue. He stated that several inspections had yielded results of “excellent” and “outstanding” and that the school needed further resources and better accommodation to continue its high achievements. He advised that the sports facilities would continue to be used by locals and the school was committed to matching NBC prices.


In response to questions, Mr Rosser explained that the school would encourage, not prohibit, the use of the facilities by local communities, and reported that the pavilion would be available for lettings on evenings and weekends. He further explained that there would be a traffic management plan for the school and that the local residents would be able to use the footpaths through the car parks to provide a safe walking route. Mr Rosser stated that the school prided itself on communication; as part of the consultation process for the application an open event had taken place, as well as regular newsletters, monthly drop-in surgeries and social media communication with parents already occurring.


Emily-Jane Hanwell, a pupil at the school, spoke in favour of the application and commented that the ever-increasing population meant that the town was in need of more schools and educational facilities and the importance of children having a safe and secure environment in which to learn and grow.


The Principal Planning Officer highlighted comments within the report made by NCC Highways, which stated “pedestrians from the existing housing estate to the east will be able to access the footways through the car parks”. He further confirmed that a dedicated drop-off bay was included as part of the proposals.


In response to questions, the Committee heard that the school playgrounds would be secured and fenced off. There would be shared access to the site, as was the current situation. It was further explained that the provision of parking and a dropping-off bay would be secured by a condition.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE subject to an S106 Agreement to secure highway contributions, construction worker training and monitoring fee, the conditions as contained within the report and with additional Condition 25 in relation to a police deployment warning system.

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