Agenda item

Procurement of contractor to develop Council owned land at St.Peter's Way

Report of Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning (Copy herewith)


2.1         Cabinet agreed that subject to a positive gateway exercise being carried out in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning, the Cabinet Member for Finance, and the Chief Finance Officer; the Head of Economic Development and Regeneration be authorised to commence the procurement of a contractor through an OJEU-compliant Open Tender process in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015.


2.2         Cabinet agreed that subject to a satisfactory review of the business cases (encompassing both an HRA Value for Money position and the Council’s General Fund position) being carried out after receipt of  tenders, the  Head of Economic Development and Regeneration, acting in consultation with the Borough Secretary & Monitoring Officer, the Chief Finance Officer and the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning, be authorised to finalise the terms of the Lease between the Council and Northampton Partnership Homes Limited, and to enter into an Agreement For Lease (AFL).


2.3         Cabinet agreed to consider the recommendations of the Horizon Park Project Board relating to the project design team, and agrees to appoint RG+P Ltd., Aecom Limited, Desco (Design and Consultancy) Ltd., and   Wood Group Ltd. as the Design Team pursuant to paragraph 3.1.8 of the report.


2.4         Cabinet agreed that a further report be brought to Cabinet following the procurement exercise making recommendations on the award of the main construction contract.


2.5       Cabinet agreed that any further issues that arise would be reported to Cabinet.



Councillor Beardsworth addressed Cabinet and expressed concerns about air quality and increased traffic issues in the area. She asked that information be collected from both the Environmental Health and Highways to address her concerns.


Councillor McCutcheon noted that the Council had been trying to improve the area for a number of years. He further noted that it was a very difficult site for a number of reasons and questioned whether it would be suitable for NPH.


Councillor Hadland, as the relevant Cabinet Member, explained that the project had been running for a long time and as had the negotiations between the Council and NPH; the Council were currently in a position where more clarity and certainty was needed. He noted that they had indicative build costs and rent but this would need to be ‘firmed up’ and that the proposal was to allow for the tender process to get underway as soon as possible and to appoint a project and design team to commence work imminently to avoid any further unnecessary delays. Councillor Hadland concurred that section 3.1.6 could have had a little more clarity in detail but noted the need to do the best for the people of the Town and concerns raised by Councillor Beardsworth would be considered in the consultation process. In response to comments from Mr Kay, Councillor Hadland explained that the Section 151 Officer would have to be satisfied with the Business Case from both the perspective of both the Council and NPH.


The Leader reported that this project had been ongoing for a long time and that there was now a need to deal with it more expediently. He commented that the new Chief Executive Officer (NBC) would be on the project board and that there was a commitment to maintain the market rate. The Leader stated the need to reflect on previous costly decisions and a cautious approach taken. Due diligence was being undertaken and the project had become a priority of the Council.


Councillor Larratt concurred that the project was a priority and that it would provide an opportunity for an area needing improvement to be regenerated. He commented that there was a need to ensure that tenants and the tax payers would get value for money and the tender process would need to be completed and the rent guaranteed whilst vigilance and due diligence was exercised.






2.1         That subject to a positive gateway exercise being carried out in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning, the Cabinet Member for Finance, and the Chief Finance Officer; the Head of Economic Development and Regeneration be authorised to commence the procurement of a contractor through an OJEU-compliant Open Tender process in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 be agreed.


2.2         That subject to a satisfactory review of the business cases (encompassing both an HRA Value for Money position and the Council’s General Fund position) being carried out after receipt of  tenders, the  Head of Economic Development and Regeneration, acting in consultation with the Borough Secretary & Monitoring Officer, the Chief Finance Officer and the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning, be authorised to finalise the terms of the Lease between the Council and Northampton Partnership Homes Limited, and to enter into an Agreement For Lease (AFL) be agreed.


2.3         That consideration of the recommendations of the Horizon Park Project Board relating to the project design team, and agrees to appoint RG+P Ltd., Aecom Limited, Desco (Design and Consultancy) Ltd., and   Wood Group Ltd. as the Design Team pursuant to paragraph 3.1.8 of the report be agreed.


2.4         That a further report be brought to Cabinet following the procurement exercise making recommendations on the award of the main construction contract be agreed.


2.5       That any further issues that arise would be reported to Cabinet.


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