Agenda item

Designation of the Queens Park Neighbourhood Area & Forum for the purposes of neighbourhood planning

Report of Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning (Copy herewith)



2.1           Cabinet noted the analysis of representations received in response to the publicising of the Queens Park Neighbourhood Area and Neighbourhood Forum applications at Appendix 1 of the report.

2.2            Cabinet designated the Queens Park Neighbourhood Area as published in Appendix 2 of the report, for the purposes of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan under Section 61G of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


2.3           Cabinet, following the designation of the Queens Park Neighbourhood Area, designated Queens Park Neighbourhood Forum (Appendix 3 of the report) under Section 61F of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for a period of five years for the purposes of producing a Neighbourhood Plan, subject to the following conditions:

·           Maintaining a written constitution

·           Holding an Annual General Meeting within 12 weeks of the designation

·           Maintaining a minimum of 21 members drawn from each of the subsections set out within the Localism Act section 61F(5)



Councillor Beardsworth addressed Cabinet and commented that she was not against Neighbourhood Plans but noted her concerns that parks were an asset that belonged to everyone. She stated that residents of Kingsthorpe had not been leafleted until late and noted that Thornton Park had a long history with Kingsthopre village. She commented that S106 monies had been spent on the park and many of her ward residents had contributed to the success of Park through voluntary work and questioned the fairness that those individuals would not be eligible to vote.


Councillor Marriott commented that he fully supported the report and recommendations and was pleased that the allotments would be protected through the designation. He noted that much of the S106 monies had come from Semilong Ward which he was pleased about. He stated that regardless on the fact the park fell in the Kingsthorpe ward, he was fully supportive and noted that despite the fact he and other residents in his ward would not be eligible to vote, they had been fully involved and their concerns listened to.


Councillor Birch stated that she fully supported the proposal to designate a Neighbourhood Area and thanked the planning officers and residents who had contributed. She reported that residents wanted to have a greater say over issues in their area and this was a positive way forward; the Area would be beneficial to those using Thornton Park and other local amenities. She explained that there appeared to be come lack of understanding with regards to the feedback from the consultation and stated that the Plan would empower local residents and that no one would be excluded from community engagement as local forums would be held for people to feed into.

Councillor Stone congratulated those people who had worked on the proposal and noted the work undertaken had brought people together. She referred to another Neighbour Plan and noted its success and the result achieved since it had been designated. She further noted that the plan would be adopted for all residents and that consultation with others would improve the area for all.

Councillor Hadland, as the relevant Cabinet Member, submitted his report and paid tribute to the hard work carried out by the people of the Queens Park Area. He emphasised the point that designation of the plan was a planning exercise and that it was not a land takeover and commented that it was an excellent way forward. He noted that the only exclusion was that some neighbouring residents would not be able to vote but noted that they would have their voices and concerns heard during consultation.




2.1           That the analysis of representations received in response to the publicising of the Queens Park Neighbourhood Area and Neighbourhood Forum applications at Appendix 1 of the report be noted

2.2            That the Queens Park Neighbourhood Area as published in Appendix 2 of the report, for the purposes of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan under Section 61G of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) be designated.


2.3           That, following the designation of the Queens Park Neighbourhood Area, designated Queens Park Neighbourhood Forum (Appendix 3 of the report) under Section 61F of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for a period of five years for the purposes of producing a Neighbourhood Plan, subject to the following conditions:

·           Maintaining a written constitution

·           Holding an Annual General Meeting within 12 weeks of the designation

·           Maintaining a minimum of 21 members drawn from each of the subsections set out within the Localism Act section 61F(5)


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