Agenda item

Disposal of land at Lancaster Way

B Report of Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning (Copy herewith)


(i)        Cabinet considered the objections received in response to the statutory advertisement of the proposed disposal of public open space at Lancaster Way as shown coloured red on the Plan attached at Appendix 1 of the report.


(ii)       Cabinet approved the disposal of the public open space at Lancaster Way as detailed within the previous report considered by Cabinet on 21 June 2017.


(iii)      Cabinet delegated to the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and the Cabinet Member for Regeneration Enterprise and Planning, authority to conclude terms of the disposal of the public open space.



Having declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in the item, Councillor Nunn left the room.


Councillor Davenport commented that did not consider that the Cabinet could agree to the sale of green spaces and questioned whether there were further options that could be considered. She noted that she as concerned about the disposal and stated that it seemed evident that the needs of the developers were given more weight than the needs or the residents and urged Cabinet to consider adopting the open space.


Councillor Hill addressed Cabinet and stated that whilst he understood the concerns of the residents, on balance he favoured the recommendation to dispose of the land and there was a massive housing shortage in Northampton and noted that the S106 agreement had already made provisions for open green spaces and that any delays to the development would not be welcomed.


Councillor Stone commented that the Council needed to listen to the views of the residents as they were often considered to be the experts and commented that they were no against new developments per se, but that they were opposed to the sale of green space. She suggested that a T Junction be installed instead to allow the green space to be kept so that children could continue to play on it and questioned what the impact of the development on the already congested Towcester Road.


Councillor Larratt commented that he considered the planning application and development to be poor and noted that he felt it was unfortunate that the planning application had been agreed.


Councillor Hallam submitted the report on behalf of Councillor Hadland and commented that the report was not about seeking planning permission but that it was a decision about the disposal of land. He commented that the S106 agreement secured two areas of public open space with a combined area of 2,194 square metres; the existing green space provision being 1,270 square metres.


Councillor Larratt stated that he did not support the recommendations, specifically with regards to the disposal of public open space. He further reported that he was not keen on management companies and did not consider them adequate in providing residents with the standards required.


Councillor King echoed the views of Councillor Larratt and commented that she could not support the recommendations.


Councillor Hibbert noted whilst he recognised the concerns raised by residents, planning permission on the site would allow for new homes to be built and the provision of 35% of those being affordable housing went some way in providing much needed houses.


Councillor Eldred reported that Cabinet were only being asked to make a decision on the disposal of land and not on the granted planning permission.


Upon a vote, Councillors Larratt and King abstained.


Councillors Eldred, Hallam and Hibbert voted in favour.





(i)        That the objections received in response to the statutory advertisement of the proposed disposal of public open space at Lancaster Way as shown coloured red on the Plan attached at Appendix 1 of the report be considered.


(ii)       That the disposal of the public open space at Lancaster Way as detailed within the previous report considered by Cabinet on 21 June 2017 be approved.


(iii)      That authority be delegated to the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and the Cabinet Member for Regeneration Enterprise and Planning, to conclude terms of the disposal of the public open space.


At this juncture of the meeting, Councillor Nunn re-entered the room.

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