Agenda item

N/2016/1138 - Demolition of the existing single storey building and the construction of a new four storey mixed use building to include 60 residential units and two restaurant and cafe units (Use Class A3). St Giles Clinic, 67 St Giles Street


The Development Management Team Leader submitted a report and elaborated thereon. Members were informed that there had been a slight alteration to the wording for Condition 1.1.1 which now read, “The completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure a financial contribution to fund enhancements to public open space and/or the public realm and/or environment improvements within the Central Area.” It was also noted that the application would be subject to a further Section 278 Agreement, should it be approved, if any works were carried out within the Highway.


It was also noted that there was a correction to Condition 6, amended as follows:


“The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: 001 Rev P1, 100 Rev P1, 300 Rev P1, 310 Rev P4, 312 Rev P3, 313 Rev P3, 311 Rev P3, 110 Rev P1, 111 Rev P1, 112 Rev P1, 113 Rev P3, 114 Rev P5, 115 Rev P4, 420 Rev P1 and 314 Rev P3.”


It was stated that a number of objections received were in relation to the height of the proposed building; many neighbouring buildings were 3 storey. To address this, the application had been amended and the 4th floor set back. It was also noted that although there was no provision for parking, the site was well served by public transport and close to local amenities, therefore no objections were raised by the Highway Authority. Members were also informed that whilst the development would be liable for payment of CIL, a Viability Appraisal, independently assessed on behalf of the Council, found that the scheme in providing 35% affordable housing and the required S106 contributions would not be viable.  The applicant has, however, offered a S106 financial contribution of £20,000.


In response to questions asked, Members were informed that Condition 16 in the report would ensure that any features of archaeological interest were properly examined and recorded.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE with amended wording of recommendation 1.1.1; amended Condition 6, and subject to:


1.    Any works carried out or affecting the Highway will require a Section 278 Agreement with Northamptonshire County Council Highway Authority and any damage to the existing footway/highway will be required to be reinstated to its existing condition to the satisfaction of the Highway Authority and Northampton Borough Council.


  1. The completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure a financial contribution to fund enhancements to public open space and/or the public realm and/or environment improvements within the Central Area.


3.    The conditions as set out below and for the following reason:


The proposed development would bring about the development of an underused site in a prominent location within the town centre and within the Derngate Conservation Area. The mix of commercial and residential uses are considered appropriate in the town centre and would contribute toward its vitality and viability. It is considered that it has satisfactorily been demonstrated that the scheme would not be viable if any affordable housing or the level of S106 contributions required is applied and that the re-development of an underused site in a prominent town centre location and contribution towards the Council’s 5-year housing supply outweighs this harm. The amended design is, on balance, considered acceptable, and would not lead to any unacceptable adverse impact on the character and appearance of the conservation area or setting of listed buildings within the vicinity of the site, most importantly views of the Grade A listed St Giles Church tower. It is considered that the harm to heritage assets is less than significant and would be outweighed by bringing the site back into use and the provision of housing. The site is in a sustainable location in the town centre with good access to facilities and public transport and would not lead to any adverse impacts in relation to drainage, highways or amenity. The proposal is therefore considered to be in accordance with the aims and requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies S2, S3, S7, S9, S10, H1, H2, BN5, BN7, BN9 and INF2 of the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy and Policies 1, 2, 5, 10, 12, 13, 16 and 18 of the Northampton Central Area Action Plan.

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