Agenda item

N/2016/1569 - Change of use from dwelling (Use Class C3) to a house in multiple occupation (Use Class C4) for 5 residents together with erection of single storey rear extension. 44 Queens Road.

(Copy herewith)



The Principal Planning Officer submitted a report and elaborated thereon. The application sought to change the use of a 3 bed dwelling to a 5 bed House in Multiple Occupation (HIMO). It was noted that a condition would be added to ensure that the basement would be used solely as a communal living space. It was further noted that although the Highways Authority had raised objections due to there being no residual parking in the area, it should not be taken as grounds for refusal as the property was within 400m of public transport routes.


Mr Markey addressed the Committee and spoke against it, stating that fly tipping and antisocial behaviour was a big problem in the area and that although he had not personally seen the offenders, transient residents in HIMOs were the likely culprits. He also stated that there seemed to be a lot more HIMOs in the area than the report showed. Responding to questions, Mr Markey stated that there was permit parking on the street, 2 per house, and free parking for a maximum of an hour at the bottom of the street.


Councillor Stone addressed the Committee as the Ward Councillor and commented that the area had reached tipping point due the number of HIMOs, both licenced and unlicensed. She also took issue with the recommendations from Private Sector Housing, stating that the rooms did not provide adequate living space for a person.


Mr Abdul Ahad, the landlord of the property, addressed the Committee. He stated that for the previous 3 months he had been to and from the building whilst work was being carried out and there had been available parking each time. He also commented that he always adhered to policy requirements and did his best to look after his tenants. Mr Ahad also noted that parking enforcement was prevalent in the area. Responding to questions, Mr Ahad stated that this was his first HIMO, that he would be hiring a cleaner to maintain the communal areas on a weekly basis but would be passing the running of the property to a management company.


Miss Uzakauskaite, the property manager, addressed the Committee. She echoed comments made by Mr Ahad, stating that she too had visited the property on several evenings and not had a problem locating a parking space. She further noted that high rental prices pushed many people towards HIMOs and that this property would only be rented out to working professionals.


In response to questions asked to the Principal Planning Officer, Members were informed that there were no guidelines relating specifically to the amount of waste storage a HIMO should have, but officers were aware of the likely number of refuse sacks and recycling boxes and would ensure that such storage would be fit for purpose.


Furthermore, it was confirmed that the intention of the recommended Condition 4 was to prevent the basement from being used as a bedroom, but that this condition could be amended to add clarity.


The Committee discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions as set out in the report, with an amendment to Condition 4, “for the avoidance of doubt, the basement shall not be used as a bedroom at any time” and for the following reason:


The proposed development is considered acceptable in principle as it would not result in an overconcentration of similar uses within the vicinity of the site, would provide adequate facilities for future occupants and would not be at risk from flooding. Notwithstanding existing parking conditions in the local area, the site is in a sustainable location close to bus stops  and amenities and would provide adequate facilities for cycle storage and refuse storage. The proposal thereby complies with policies E20 and H30 of the Northampton Local Plan, the Council’s Houses In Multiple Occupation Interim Planning Policy Statement (IPPS) and the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework.


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