Agenda item

N/2016/1473 - Erection of 2 new dwellings to rear of 9 and 10 Thorburn Road and shared access drive. Land rear of 9 and 10 Thorburn Road.

(Copy herewith)



The Development Manager left the committee room.


The Development Management Team Leader submitted a report and elaborated thereon. Members heard that the application sought to allow planning permission for two four-bedroom dwellings to the rear of numbers 9 and 10 Thorburn Road.  Members were advised that the scheme had been amended to reduce the footprint of the development and increase the distance from neighbouring boundaries.


Councillor M Markham addressed Members as the Ward Councillor, stating that this was a classic case of garden grabbing and that the Council should use the power given to them to prevent this from happening. She commented that gardens were miniature nature reserves and should not be put before profit.


At this juncture of the meeting, Councillor M Markham left the room.


Rachel Boyles, a local resident, addressed Members, starting that backland development had become more prevalent in recent years, leading to a noticeable increase in noise in the immediate area. She voiced concerns about this application setting a precedent for further backland development and overlooking.


D Harding, a local resident, agreed with objections raised and further stated that as her property was at the bottom of a slope, the new development would tower above her property. She informed Members that she had taken retirement due to medical reasons and needed peace, which would be severely affected should the application be approved.


Mr Stephen Bass, the applicant and trustee of late mother’s estate, addressed the Committee. He informed Members that this was the largest site on the road with just one of the gardens measuring ¾ of an acre. The plots were also almost invisible from Thorburn Road. Mr Bass stated that he believed in neighbour consultation and many adjustments, some of which were not material planning matters, had been made before the application had been submitted.


Mr David Bass, the agent for the application, addressed the Committee, stating that he was very careful to follow the Planning policy guidelines. He noted that the entry wings on the front of the properties had been reduced and there were no upper windows overlooking neighbouring properties. He also noted that the trees bordering the land would not be removed, further protecting neighbours’ privacy.


In response to questions asked, Members heard that neighbours had been notified of the Committee by letter, also by email where possible.


The Committee discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions as set out in the report and for the following reason:


The proposed development is considered acceptable in principle being within an established residential area. It would also contribute to the Council’s 5 Year Housing Supply. Due to its design, scale and siting, the proposal would not have an undue detrimental impact on the appearance and character of the area, amenity of adjoining occupiers, parking, highway safety and existing trees to comply with Policies E20 and H10 of the Northampton Local Plan, Policies H1, BN3, BN9 and S10 of the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy and the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework.


The Development Manager re-joined the meeting at this point.


Councillor M Markham re-joined the meeting at this point.

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