Agenda item

N/2016/1136 - First floor extension to bungalow to become a two-storey dwelling and ground floor extension to side/rear 16 Swallow Close

(Copy Herewith)


The Development Management Team Leader submitted a report on behalf of the Head of Planning and elaborated thereon. She reported that additional comments received from the resident of no. 11 Swallow Close. The Committee were informed that the property was a four bedroom bungalow at the end of a close. The properties in the cul-de-sac were primarily bungalows, however there were a number of two storey dwellings in Swallow Close and in the immediate vicinity of the site. The application sought to extend the existing bungalow into a two storey dwelling with three bedrooms. To the side of the property the bathroom window would be glazed to ensure privacy to the neighbouring property. In view of the site’s location in a corner plot and the varied surrounding character, it was not considered that the design would be unacceptable.


Geoff Pollard, resident at 15 Swallow Close, addressed the Committee and stated that the new dwelling would overlook his garden. The report failed to take into account the Government’s policy on trying to keep and maintain bungalow properties for the elderly population. He commented that if this application was granted, then it might set a precedent for other bungalow owners to follow suit. The population of those over 65 was due to increase by 12% in the period 2015-2020, these people would need accommodation that could meet their needs.


Councillor Ian Simons, Parish Councillor, addressed the Committee and commented that this development would be out of character with Swallow Close, primarily because this bungalow was at the hammerhead of a set of bungalows. In addition there was an issue of a shared driveway that would need to be used during construction. It was felt that due to the interference of this construction the Police would need to be called to remove vehicles potentially blocking the driveway.


Councillor Phil Larratt, as Ward Councillor, addressed the Committee and agreed that the area had a vast range of different sized properties, however, there was a short supply of bungalows in the vicinity and there was an increase in the ageing population. Furthermore, this property would be out of character for the area.


The Development Management Team Leader informed Members that the first floor would be set away from the neighbouring boundary with No. 15 and, therefore, would not cause any unacceptable issues with overlooking of neighbouring properties. In addition Condition 6 of the report clearly stated that no additional windows were to be installed in the north-east elevation of the extension, safeguarding the privacy of adjoining properties. With regards to concerns regarding impacts during construction on the shared driveway, this was not a planning matter, and if there was any damage this would be a civil matter.


Members of the Committee welcomed the comments made and agreed that it was a shame to lose bungalows in the area, however this development seemed to be in keeping with the character of the local area and would not impact neighbours to a detrimental point.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions as set out in the report and for the following reason:


The proposed development due to its siting and design would not have any adverse impact upon the character of the area and the residential amenity of the adjoining neighbouring properties. The proposal would accord with saved Policies E20 and H18 of the Northampton Local Plan, Policy S10 and H1 of the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy, the Council's Residential Extensions and Alterations Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document and advice given within National Planning Policy Framework.


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