Agenda item

Cabinet Member for Environment, NBC, Head of Planning, NBC, Senior Environmental Health Officer, NBC and Director, Low Emissions Strategy Ltd


Councillor Mike Hallam, Cabinet Member for Environment, NBC, and Neil Polden, Senior Environmental Health Officer, NBC, presented the written response to the core questions to the Scrutiny Panel.


The salient points contained within the response were highlighted.


The Scrutiny Panel made comment, asked questions and heard:


·         A discussion took place regarding a planning application and the amount of traffic it could create

·         The Scrutiny Panel was referred to vehicle idling. Government Guidelines are that cars should not be idle for longer than one minute.  Traffic in Booth Rise moves slowly but cars are not idle for longer than a minute at a time.

·         In response to a query regarding engagement with other Agencies, Neil Polden advised that a lot are very good at engaging with NBC but some could provide better engagement

·         A discussion was held regarding charging points for electric cars around the town.  It was noted that all options would be looked at. 

·         The Scrutiny Panel was advised that Transport Planners do not necessarily consider air quality.  There is a need to consider how NBC communicates with Authorities/Agencies that are pushing for developments on the edge of the boundary of Northampton.  It was noted that Cross Border meetings do take place but the Cabinet Member did not feel that these meetings were effective.

·         The Scrutiny Panel discussed the Old White Horse Public House at Kingsthorpe and that a planning application to convert this into flats had been refused. The Scrutiny Panel discussed various alternative options, such as a Smart Corridor.

·         The Scrutiny Panel welcomed that NBC has a good working relationship with StageCoach

·         The Scrutiny Panel referred to discussions that had been ongoing for a number of years regarding the North West bypass. It felt that this would be a solution to easing traffic and pollution. There needs to be connectivity between Authorities and Agencies.

·         It was noted that the key message in the Emissions Strategy is the health message. 

·         There are around 400 air quality management area centres in England alone.

·         The consultation phase of the Emissions Strategy had been a positive exercise with a good level of responses.

·         There is a need to look at how awareness can be raised and new initiatives brought in, for example a suggested initiative being the offer of a voucher for a week’s trial of an electric car, and “Don’t use the car for a day” initiative.

·         Grant funding of £65,000 had been provided for the production and implementation of the Emissions Strategy but currently there is no further funding however investigations are ongoing to identify potential funding sources for example funding around the provision of infrastructure for low emission vehicles.

·         NBC has worked with SEMLEP regarding the local growth fund and also did some good work with the University of Northampton

·         The Scrutiny Panel conveyed concern that there should not be too many electric car charging points installed too soon. It was noted that often developers will just put the cabling in for these charging points, so that they can be activated at a later date.

·         Bus companies have confirmed that investment will initially be in areas such as Birmingham that have been declared as a Clean Air Zone.  It was noted that should it be investigated that Northampton becomes a Clean Air Zone, costs would be involved and there would be a need for a feasibility study to be undertaken.

·         The Scrutiny Panel noted that Traffic Regulation Orders can set emission standards.


Councillor Mike Hallam and Neil Polden were thanked for their comprehensive address.


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