Agenda item

N/2016/1145 - Demolition of garage and dwelling and erection of three houses and three bungalows with associated works including access drive (outline application with all matters reserved except access and layout), Garage Premises, 531 Harlestone Road

(Copy Herewith)



The Development Manager submitted a report on behalf of the Head of Planning and elaborated thereon. Outline planning permission was sought for the demolition of the existing garage and bungalow at the rear of the property. The site was adjoined by residential dwellings on either side. The detailed design proposals would be considered at a later date. Members of the Committee were informed that the access road would be on the southern side of the development and there was provision for 13 parking spaces.


The Development Manager commented that Policy H4 of the Duston Neighbourhood Plan stated that development would be supported on sites of up to five dwellings, however as this was a large site there was no planning reason to not allow six dwellings. In addition, Members were made aware that the garage could be brought back into use on the site and operate 24 hours a day.


Councillor Matt Golby (Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee and stated that this was an over development of the land and contravened Policy H4 of the Duston Neighbourhood Plan, which had been adopted by the Council. It was his view that going against the Neighbourhood Plan was sending out the wrong message to Parish Councils working on behalf of their residents.


8.12pm Councillor Golby left the meeting.


John Woolacott, resident at 533 Harlestone Road, addressed Members and commented that this application was not in keeping with the local area. He stated that the construction of the bungalow dwellings would lead to his property being overlooked, in addition the creation of the two storey dwellings to the front of the property would lead to him only being able to see a house from his windows to the side of the property. With the construction of the nursing home adjacent to the site, there would be an unacceptable build-up of traffic on the main road. In addition he commented that all previous applications for this site had been refused.


In response to a question from the Committee, John Woolacott confirmed that he had resided in 533 Harlestone Road for 35 years and that the garage had always been there.


Anthony Watts addressed the Committee and stated that planning officers had ignored all local and national policies and that the Local Planning Authority had no right to disregard these policies. The proposal formed a cramped development.  He advised, that if Members were minded to permit, it should be for 5 dwellings with the driveway adjacent to No. 533.  He urged the Committee to re-study the plans and ask that plans be re-submitted to the Committee.


Parish Councillor Mike Ingram stated that the Committee should support the Duston Neighbourhood Plan. He commented that the electorate with Duston had voted for the plan. 6 dwellings was overdevelopment with insufficient parking and the development should be reduced to 5.  As a further point he informed Members that this development went against policy H1 of the Duston Neighbourhood Plan, as this development would require the removal and cleaning of old petrol tanks from the site.


In response to a question from the Committee, Parish Councillor Mike Ingram confirmed that the maximum of five dwellings on a site had been taken from advice of a Town Planning Consultant.


Sinead Turnbull on behalf of the applicant stated that the application had been deemed acceptable by planning officers. Parking spaces had been created over and above what was required for the site. The construction of these dwellings would remove a non-conforming use and prevent a garage opening on the site and causing a noise disturbance to local residents. The applicants had relocated and expanded their business contributing to employment levels within the local area.


In response to questions from the Committee Sinead Turnbull commented that it was possible to move the entrance to the development, however this might have caused a further nuisance to the residents at 533 Harlestone Road. In addition there was no evidence to suggest that the site could not support six dwellings.


Mr Tim Hadland addressed the Committee and commented that he had known the applicants for 30 years and had admired the contribution they had made to the local community by creating jobs. The application was not overly intrusive and was not, in his opinion, an overdevelopment on the site. In addition this development supported the Council’s five year housing supply programme.


In response to questions from the Committee, the Development Manager stated:


·         There was sufficient space at the entrance of the development to support two passing vehicles.

·         The front three dwellings were not able to change the front garden into parking space, as this was a classified road.

·         There would be less intrusion into neighbouring properties, as the three bungalows at the back were to be built further down the site from the existing bungalow.

·         The properties would be 1.5m nearer to 533 Harlestone Road as compared with the existing garage buildings once complete.


Members made a number of comments with regards to the development and stated that the application would essentially improve the street scene of the area.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions as set out in the report and for the following reason:


The proposed development, on balance, would have no significant detrimental impact on the amenities of neighbouring occupiers and would not be out of keeping with the character of the area. It would represent an appropriate use of the site and would provide for the housing needs of the area. The proposed development would therefore comply with Policies S1, S3, S10 and H1 of the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy, Policies E20, H10 and H11 of the Northampton Local Plan, Policies OP1, H1, H3 and BE1 of the Duston Neighbourhood Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.


9.01pm Councillor Golby returned to the meeting.


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