Agenda item

N/2016/0412 - Demolition of farmhouse, associated buildings and the residential property of Little Norway. Construction of two warehouse and distribution units (Use Class B8) with ancillary office accommodation, together with earthworks, access, service yards, parking arrangements, landscaping and other associated infrastructure including creation of footpath. Land South of Bedford Road, off Liliput Road

(Copy herewith)



The Principal Planning Officer submitted a report on behalf of the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning. It was advised that the application seeks planning permission to erect two warehouse buildings, which would be accessed via an extended Thomas Dachser Way. The first of these would be located to the north east of the site and would have a maximum height of 14.9m and a floor space of approximately 35,840 square metres. This building would be served by 286 car parking spaces (including 14 spaces for use by those with disabilities), parking for 72 lorries and storage for 40 bicycles. The warehouse would also include ancillary office accommodation and a gatehouse. The second warehouse would be sited to the south west of the site and would have a similar height to Unit 1. This element of the development would also feature an ancillary office building in addition to parking for 100 cars (including five spaces for use by those with disabilities), parking for 18 lorries and storage for 20 bicycles. The floor space of this particular unit would 11,176 square metres.


Both warehouses would feature a variety of ancillary structures typically associated with commercial developments, including smoking shelters, electrical substations and security fencing.

It is proposed that bunding be constructed between the buildings and the northern, eastern and south eastern boundaries of the site in order to provide some screening from the highway and Great Houghton village. The bunding has a varied height of between 8m and 13m. In addition, the bunding would have a varied form in terms of the top ridge and the gradient. The bunding would be supplemented by additional landscaping.

The positioning of the bunding is such that the aforementioned footpath would need to be diverted. Assuming this application is successful, a further application would need to be made pursuant to Section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act in order to formally achieve this; however, it is necessary as part of this application to consider the merits of the diversion in terms of the impacts on accessibility and amenity.

In order to facilitate the development, the existing buildings at Little Norway and Martins Farm would be demolished. 

The addendum was referred to which outlined a submission from Councillor Larratt. Andrea Leadsom’s (MP for South Northamptonshire) concerns were also summarised.           


Parish Councillor Tony Skirrow addressed the Committee as the Chairman of Great Houghton Parish Council and spoke against the application as it was considered that the development did not comply with the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework and was unsustainable. The retention of the green space was required to enable Great Houghton to retain its own distinct indentity


Natasha Declerck addressed the Committee and spoke against the application as it was considered that the development was speculative and was unneeded. Traffic would also increase.


Mr Robert Lamb addressed the Committee substituting for Sarah Williams and spoke against the application as it was considered that the development was overly large and greater in size than that required by the potential occupier and the proposal would have no benefit to the community. Concerns were raised regarding the potential impact on listed buildings


Councillor Penelope Flavell addressed the Committee as Ward Councillor and spoke against the application as the development would have a negative impact upon the conservation area, the character of the surrounding area. Support was expressed for the view of the Parish Council


The Principal Planning Officer advised that Great Houghton Parish Council submitted representations which was summarised in the report. The Development Manager stated that due to the large volume of representations received by the Planning Department  it is normal practice to summarise comments.


Mr Ricardo Rodriguez addressed the Committee and spoke in favour of the application by highlighting the economic benefits of the proposal and the jobs that would be retained and created


In response to questions from the Committee the Principal Planning Officer responded as below


·         7.18 of the report was referred to which highlights suggested proposal to alleviate traffic issues

·         The site is not designated commercial land and is a departure fromthe local plan.

·         That access to this land would be increased under proposals.

·         = Economic benefits throughthe creation and retention of jobs were of benefit to the public


The Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and planning addressed the Committee to confirm that the main areas of concern members have regarding the application is traffic issues, impact on the conservation area, scale and further information regarding the site selection process.



Councillor Meredith proposed the recommendations.


Councillor Hill seconded the recommendations. 4 voted in favour, 4 voted against and 2 abstentions.


The Chair proposed to defer the application.




The Committee DEFFERED the application for further consideration and clarification of traffic issues, impact on the conservation area, scale and further information regarding the site selection process. .


Councillor Meredith left the Committee at 20:30.

Supporting documents: