Agenda item

N/2015/0673 & N/2015/0674 - Conversion and alterations of factory premises to form 105 apartments with associated parking both on-site and on-street; replacement of windows and new roof lights; proposed infill extension on Dunster Street facade including new roof terraces; and Listed Building Consent application for conversion and alterations to form 105 apartments including replacement of windows and new roof lights; removal of 4 cast-iron columns, internal walls, north lights, internal and external staircase; modification of doors; proposed infill extension on Dunster Street facade including new roof terraces; provision of new glass screens, new staircases, steel guard rails, fire exits and lift. Hawkins Building, Overstone Road

(Copy herewith)



The Development Management Team Leader submitted a report on behalf of the Director of Regeneration Enterprise and Planning and elaborated thereon.

It was reported that the applicant could not attend the meeting and gave his apologies. It was advised that the planning application proposes the conversion and alteration of the Hawkins Building, a Grade II listed former factory and Nos. 4-14 Dunster Street, to 105 apartments comprising of 73 one-bedroom and 32 two-bedroom apartments.  Amendments to parking layouts as detailed below have increased the original proposal of 103 units to 105 incorporating two additional units at lower ground floor level.  External alterations would comprise of an infill extension and two-storey first floor extension on Dunster Street, the replacement of existing windows throughout with double glazed windows, insertion of rooflights, modification of doors and openings and the insertion of Juliette balconies. The proposal includes the provision of a passenger lift serving lower ground floor up to the third floor within the Hawkins building.  Bin and cycle storage would be provided at both basement and ground floor level.


The application has been amended removing basement parking providing 13 spaces accessed from Dunster Street due to concerns raised by the Highway Authority regarding the proposed access.  Subsequently, the application provides 28 spaces at ground level accessed from Overstone Road.  A further 16 spaces would be provide on St. Michael’s Road.  The existing feeder lane to St Michael’s car park situated opposite the site on St Michael’s Road would be removed with the two main traffic lanes from the existing pedestrian crossing being diverted to the south side of the carriageway in order to move the traffic away from the building and provide for some additional 16 parking space along St Michael’s Road. 


The application for Listed Building Consent (N/2015/0674) seeks authorisation for conversion and alterations to form 105 apartments including replacement of windows and new roof lights; removal of 4 cast iron columns, internal walls, north lights, internal and external staircase, modification of doors; proposed infill extension on Dunster Street façade including new roof terraces; provision of glass screens, removal of existing and installation of new staircases and lift, steel guard rails and fire exits.


Mr Dobrafzcyk addressed the Committee as the Architect for the scheme and spoke in favour of the application.


Councillor Stone addressed the Committee as the Ward Councillor and spoke in favour of the application.


The Development Management Team Leader addressed questions regarding Section 106 contributions and advised that that a Viability Assessment was submitted and assessed by the Council and demonstrated that the scheme would not be viable if a requirement for affordable housing provision and S106 Developer Contributions were to be imposed. She also advised that the Planning Department are working with the applicant to agree appropriate window details.


The Committee discussed the report.





N/2015/0673 – Planning Application

The Committee APPROVED the application subject to the conditions as set out in paragraph 9 of the report and the addendum and for the following reason:


The proposal would bring about the development of a prominent group of disused Grade II listed buildings within the Boot and Shoe Quarter Conservation Area in a residential area on the edge of the town centre, the renovation of which would enhance and make an overall positive contribution to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.  The site is in a sustainable location, with good access to the town centre and public transport, and the conversion to residential use would make a positive contribution to the Council’s 5-year housing supply.  It is acknowledged that the proposed alterations may cause harm to the historic integrity of the listed building but this is outweighed by the public benefits identified and ensuring the continued viable use of the buildings.  The development would not lead to any unacceptable adverse impacts on the existing highway conditions or residential amenity.  It is considered that it has been satisfactorily demonstrated that the scheme would not be viable if any affordable housing or the level of S106 contributions required is applied, and that, on balance, the lack of contributions would be outweighed by the environmental and social benefits of the proposal.  The development is therefore considered in accordance with Policies S3, S10, E1, H1, H2, BN5, BN9, INF1 & N1 of the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy, Policies E20 and E26 of the Northampton Local Plan and the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework.


N/2015/0674 – Application for Listed Building Consent


That the Application be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE subject to prior referral to the Secretary of State and the conditions as set out in paragraph 9 of the report and the addendum and for the following reason:


            The proposal would bring about the development of a prominent group of disused Grade II listed buildings within the Boot and Shoe Quarter Conservation Area in a residential area on the edge of the town centre, the renovation of which would enhance and make an overall positive contribution to the environmental character of the Conservation Area.  It is acknowledged that the proposed alterations may cause harm to the historic integrity of the listed building but it is considered that this is outweighed by the public benefits identified above and the positive contribution that the residential development of the site would make towards meeting housing need within the area and the Council’s 5-year housing supply.  The proposal is therefore considered in accordance with the requirements of Policy BN5 of the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy, Policy E26 of the Local Plan and the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework.





Supporting documents: