Agenda item

N/2015/1249 - Erection of 64no dwellings comprising 1-bed flats, 2-bed and 3-bed houses and associated access roads. Ecton Brook Playing Fields, Great Billing Way

(Copy herewith)


The Development Manager submitted a report on behalf of the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning and elaborated thereon. The addendum was referred to and advised Environmental Health confirmed that the addendum to the noise report, which takes into account the revised layout, is acceptable and that The Local Highway Authority have confirmed formally  that the revised layout is acceptable, subject to landscaping being used at plots 10, 11 and 12 to prevent inappropriate parking between designated spaces.


Steve Rockall addressed the Committee on behalf of Billing Parish Council and spoke against the application, although he was not opposed to development he had concerns regarding potential problem with traffic.


John Roberts addressed the Committee as the agent and spoke in favour of the application.


The Development Manager advised the Committee that County Highways would have considered safety and will be carrying out safety audit for the development. She also referred to condition 14 whereby no development shall take place until the applicant, their agents or their successors in title has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation, which has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.




That the application be APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE subject to:

1.1.1    The prior completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement to secure:

i)    35% of the development to be used for affordable housing;

ii)    A financial payment to fund the provision of primary and secondary school education within the vicinity of the site;

iii)   The provision of on-site construction training and a financial contribution to cover the cost of training monitoring;

iv)   A contribution towards the provision of play equipment in the park neighbouring the development; and

v)      The Council’s monitoring fee.


1.1.2    The conditions as set out in the report and addendum  and for the following reason:

The principle of residential development has been established by the previous outline permission on this site and the detailed design and layout now proposed is considered to be acceptable, and would provide an acceptable living environment for future residents subject to the proposed conditions. The proposal would have no detrimental impact on the wider highway network or the amenities of neighbouring and nearby occupiers including the adjacent school. The proposed development would therefore be in accordance with Policies Policy H1, H2m S3, S10, and BN2 of the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy and Policies E20, H17 and H32 of the Northampton Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

1.2       It is also recommended that in the event of the Section 106 Legal Agreement not being completed within three calendar months of this Committee meeting, in addition to being able to grant planning permission as recommended above, the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning be given delegated authority to either refuse or finally dispose of the application (at his discretion) on account of the necessary mitigation measures have not been secured in order to make the proposal acceptable in line with the requirements of Policy INF2 of the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework

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