Agenda item

Action Plan


(Agenda changed due to Jonathon Lewis unable to attend).

Forum members read through the action plan.

Hate Crime:

AM: An online survey has been created to capture people’s experience of Hate Crime. Cllr Hill would like to increase awareness of the survey.

All NBC Forums to come together:

AM: There is also an opportunity for all forum members to meet. This will be at the Mayor’s Parlour hosted by Cllr Malpas. This meeting can be an opportunity to be introduced to others and perhaps have future meetings.

Raising awareness of Forums:

Cllr Hill: Would also like to see younger people involved to help increase numbers.

JR: Suggested that meetings can be held in different locations and the forum members should access communities.

JC: Location is not always the issue. JC asked AA1 why people from supplementary schools do not attend. AA has invited people from Supplementary Schools to attend but they are governed by parents.

AM has attended Tamil, Chinese schools to invite communities to attend the Youth Forum. But there has not been much response.

JC: Discussions have to be relevant to people to engage them.

ACTION: To distribute leaflets about the Forum at the Carnival on 11th June.

AA: Suggested organising a community football game to help promote integration and cohesion.

JR: Would also like to see more representation form Eastern European communities.

JC approached young people to create a stop and search app to use on phones. However, apps take up too much space on phones.  Asked youngsters to look at another project and Inspiration FM radio station can publicise this.

Suggested that videos can be created by youngsters so they can watch it if they want to.

ACTION: AM/NM to facilitate a meeting with Cllr King to create something with the Youth forum.  


Supplementary Schools

AM: There is the Youth Forum for youngsters. AM has tried to recruit youngsters from Supplementary Schools. It is not always convenient for parents to bring people to the meeting.

AA1: can reconsider this in September.


AA: Brought up the issue of Housing and how unaffordable it has become.

ACTION: AM/NM to create a year plan and consult with the Forum as to what to have as agenda items should go on the meetings.

Forum members agreed to have the following issues on the year plan: promoting and encouraging equality, Hate Crime, Education and Housing and Health.

JR: The need of NHS organisations similar aim as Forum. We could try and influence hospitals

JC: We don’t have stats for Dementia for BME communities.

ACTION: AM/NM to invite a representative from NHFT or Pink Rooster?

RN: Finds Forum meetings very useful. Learn new things to let communities know.

ACTION: Ask a contact from education for next meeting to attend.

Speak to Police as would like to see recruitment of BME communities in Police.

5. Community Information Exchange

WB: Play called Caribbean Soldiers 17th June at Earls Barton WMC, Starts 8:00pm. Tickets £5.

AM: Bollywood Dance at the Diwali event. Would like Forum to be part of this.

AM: Early stages of organising the International Men’s Day which will be held on 19th November.

NM: Niff AGM 21st June at Sikh Gurdwara, St Georges Street.

WB: Charles Bradlaugh event 20th August.?

AA: Spoke about a campaign to raise awareness of FGM and to speak out against it. Highlighting that this is abuse and not religious.

ACTION: Email poster to Forum members

JC: Event being held in Market Square by Police on 23rd July. Purpose to make young people more aware of community projects.




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