Agenda item

Financial Monitoring Report (Period 6)

(Copy herewith)


Strategic Finance Manager presented the report. The report presented the financial position to the end of September 2015 for the General Fund and HRA revenue and Capital budgets.

It also presented the car parking income and usage to the end of November. It was advised that the GF Capital Programme is currently forecasting no significant variances to the end of September


Car parking graphs at page 117 and 118 were talked to. The income from daily ticket sales showed more than the profiled budget to date with the ticket usage graph also showed the higher usage over previous years of the car parks.


In response to questions from the Committee the Chief Finance Officer advised that Hardingstone and Collingtree were the 2 planning appeals referred to in the report and the estimated costs associated with them is the Council’s element only.


The Chief Finance Officer advised the Committee that a significant saving has been made since transferring back office services to LGSS.


The Head of Revenues and Benefits stated that a large saving would be made over a 5 year period  built into the original LGSS base case had been delayed so that benefits would be realised a little later that envisaged..


The Chief Finance Officer stated that a minimum level of general reserves is set  and maintained by the Borough Council.




The Committee considered thecontentsofthefollowingfinancereports:


·General FundRevenueMonitoring (Appendix1);


·General FundCapital Monitoring (Appendix2);


·HRA RevenueMonitoring (Appendix3);


·HRA CapitalMonitoring (Appendix4).




The Committee notedthe positiononcar parkingincomeand usageas at 30November

(Appendix5A and5B).



The Committee notedthelatestpositionin relationto theCouncil’s outstanding debts asat 30 November(Separate agendaitem andreport)



The Committee considered whether they require anyadditional informationin orderto fulfil its governancerole.


Supporting documents: