Agenda item

Sheltered Housing Review Update


Mike Kay, Chief Executive, and Shirley Davies, Executive Director, Northampton Partnership Homes (NPH) gave the Committee an update on the Sheltered Housing Review:


Key points:


·         The update contained factors considered in developing the Strategy, key recommendations

Ø    There had been a significant projected growth in the older population: 65 plus population of 32,300 is set to grow to circa 47,000 by 2030

Ø    75 plus population is set to grow by 70% (from 14,100 to 23,900,) by 2030

Ø    Around 59% of tenants are aged 70 plus, 27% aged 80 plus

Ø    A standard for refurbishing existing stock together with enhanced service provision to assist more older people to live independently in their homes will be created

Ø    The full range of accommodation and services to target and meet the preventative agenda will be made best use of

Ø    Partnership working will be increased

Ø    The Vision for Older Persons’ Housing was reported

Ø    NPH’s Sheltered Housing should be rebranded  “Older Persons’ Housing”

Ø    The Allocations Policy should be amended to define the stock for people aged 55 plus and only younger disabled people when no other suitable property is available

Ø    Around 600 units identified as “no longer fit for purpose” for older people and reclassified in three phases.

Ø    Reclassify 444 bungalows, currently part of NPH’s general needs stock, as designated older persons’ housing as they become void

Ø    Result in 1,891 units of older people’s accommodation

·         A Project Group will oversee the implementation

·         Voids will be reduced in the remaining designated older persons’ stock

·         Further work will be undertaken to ensure that the current housing related support service is efficient, meets tenants’ needs and represents value for money

·         Develop more Partnership working with other Agencies


Mike Kay conveyed his thanks to all those involved in the Sheltered Housing Review.


The Committee asked questions, made comment and heard:


·         The Committee acknowledged the growth in the older population

·         In response to a query regarding partnership working, Mike Kay advised that there are a series of partnerships in existence. NPH regularly meets with Social Services and shares strategies.  NPH works regularly with Planning Services, NBC.

·         In answer to a query regarding the age limit for older person’s housing, Mike Kay reported that the research had identified people living in mixed blocks of accommodation do not like living with families. Therefore the accommodation will be targeted at older singles, couples and not families.

·         It was recognised that social isolation is a key concern. It had been further recognised that there is need to target services to those most in need and most vulnerable.

·         In response to a question regarding additional stock, Mike Kay informed the Committee that NPH is not the only provider in Northampton; however, NPH is looking at new properties and undertaking an options appraisal on existing stock. There is a variety of provision.

·         Most Housing Associations have withdrawn from new builds Sheltered Housing.


The Chair thanked Mike Kay and Shirley Davies for their informative address.



AGREED:      That the update is noted.