Agenda item

Northampton Partnership Homes - Anti-Social Behaviour (19:00 - 19:40)


KC, Tenancy Estate Manager, gave presentation on how to deal with anti-social behaviour for tenants who live in a house owned by NBC. KC defined anti-social behaviour under the Crime and Policing Act 2014.  Often neighbour disputes could be anti-social behaviour too.


ASB can be reported using the following methods:

      Telephone – you can report an incident by telephoning us on 0300 330 7003 between the hours of 09:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.  Please note that if the incident is of a criminal nature then you should contact the Police on 101 or if appropriate 999 in an emergency

      By e-mail -

      In writing – you can write to us at the following address:

            Northampton Partnership Homes

            The Guildhall

            St Giles Square


            NN1 1DE

      In person – you may visit us at the One Stop Shop at the above address

      Online – you can report an incident on our website


KC  explained the response times of incidents:


1 working day  - Hate related crime, domestic abuse, and violence. Other incidents are 3 working days.

Adjustments are made for language issues.

The first meeting between parties is more of a vulnerability check list. It is to support and to fact find and to gain information. Then an action plan is created after the meeting. Anything hate related is reported to NBC so that they can liaise with each other.


RP asked if officers were getting hate crime training. KC answered that they were getting internal training. RP enquired about the level of training that they were getting. KC stated that they need a better system for training.

AR asked if there is a point of contact for hate crime. KC answered no. AR also asked if there is a policy reviewing them. Wondered if there is a corporate one similar one to NBC. Also questioned how the information would be fed to them.


KC   informed the forum that if the incident involves their tenants then they need to contact them via the methods mentioned earlier.

JC questioned what the difference is between this agency and the police. Raised concern that the work that the agency did was duplicating the work of the police. KC explained that if the incident involving the tenant took place at home, then it is within their remit. Can look into the powers of the tenancy agreement.

KC said that they can access notes from the police. It allows them to have a picture and contact the police so that they can work together. RP thought that having a multiagency approach was a good idea.


AR: If someone racially abuses a neighbour there is very little the police can do. But the NPH could do something. Spoke about the Fiona Pilkington case and the difficulties that arose from this as the information was not joined up.

AR asked how many incidents of Hate Crime are reported to NPH.  KC said the figure is in double figures. The biggest stats of incidents are noise. The numbers are low with domestic violence as these are reported to the police instead. Need to raise awareness that this is anti-social behaviour too.

RP raised the importance of training and to encourage people to report this.

AR: some people may feel that certain racial abuse is not considered to be a crime.


KC : Also have cases where families are reluctant to report to the crime to the police. Therefore incidents not known for months. Tenants are given opportunities in the first four weeks only. The organisation needs to improve on this. There are 18 community rooms and there are being turned into hubs as they are underused. Will analyse what services are needed to put things in place. Eg awareness sessions. The organisation needs to let people know about this at the beginning of their tenancy.

PW suggested that a leaflet could be left in the property so that information can be digested.


Cllr Malpas said that there are 16 Housing officers. In a ward there can be four different officers. Raised the concern that housing officers come and go. How will the tenant know about the changes? KC Understands that there is a big turnover of staff. Information of new officers is on the internet.


Cllr Malpas: Many people do not have access to the internet especially the elderly. There is severe deprivation in these areas and people only have use of the telephone. Officers should knock on the doors and introduce themselves to the tenant. They should also deliver a leaflet written in different languages. KC: If there is a big change of officers, information can be changed on publications. They can also ring us and ask.

Cllr Malpas : Every agency says that it is always someone responsible to find out information except the actual agency who provides the services.

Cllr Hill asked if the housing officers engage with the residents associations. KC : Yes they do. And posters are displayed in community centres and at doctor surgeries. They don’t have to ring the housing officer to report the incident.

JC : How many estates do you cover? KC: Approx 50 – 52.

JC : Before NPH what was in place? KC: It is still the same team and same contact centre and reporting system.

JC : Asked if there are stats from BME perspective. KC: Everything is logged on the system and hold diversity information. Hold about 74% of calls logged.

JC: What is the worst that can happen to the perpetrator? KC: Ultimately you can take possession of the home. This has happened in the past. But there must be evidence for this to happen. This is based on balance of probabilities. If they don’t have evidence we move the tenant to protect them. In ASB we can use restorative justice and try and make people realise the harm that they have done. There is support for people causing this eg – mental health difficulties or drug and alcohol issues. Can use informal measures eg – warning letters. Legal action is the last resort.


ACTION: Presentation to be sent out by AM /NM


KC: Want to look at process mapping and look at more preventative work. Eg to educate people and to reach schools. Ask the forum for suggestions as to how to do this.

JC asked what the biggest issue is. KC: There is a big mix. White British perpetrators against other in this country. These are not always reported.

JC : It is concerning that the BME community does not report. People have to trust you. Maybe they don’t. KC Also said that she would like to know why this isn’t happening.

JC : How do publicise that you are no longer part of the NBC?  KC : We use the press eg the Chronicle & Echo

JC: If you continue to use the same press this may not work. If you have an idea where certain communities come together – you need to contact them that way. KC : Can do this as we have a press officer

Cllr Malpas: Need continuity. When Housing Officers keep changing they will not bother to report.

KC: When people leave, we have to shuffle them based on their experience. Appreciate that people do not like change. Would like to come back to show improvements.