Agenda item

Stop Search Update - Superintendent Andy Cox, Northamptonshire Police


A copy of the Stop and Search form was circulated to the forum to look at. Cllr. Malpas asked for a copy of the form to be circulated with minutes. ACTION: AC agreed this would be sent to be circulated with minutes.

Andy Cox outlined Teresa May’s (Home Secretary) statement. This statement can be found here:  Stop search powers remain, and in the last 12 months (April 2013 to end of March 2014) there have been 1270 successful stop search April-end March by Northamptonshire Police.


There are now no targets for officers to deliver a number of Stop and Searches.  At Northamptonshire Police, every officer has received training input on conducting Stop and Search and its impact. Furthermore, there is now national training for Stop and Search from National College of Police which will be rolled out to all forces. There is a commitment to continuous professional development of officers, and if concerns are raised around the way stop search is used by an officer, their powers can be restrained.


Around concerns about the disproportionality of the way Stop and Search is used within ethnic minority communities, there is a system in place which measures any disproportionality. If a level of disproportionality is between 5-10% plus, this is flagged for investigation. No ethnic group have been flagged as more than 5% disproportionate in the use of Stop and Search across all ethnic groups. Another forum member raised concerns around the disproportionate use of Stop and Search on males. AC advised that guidance and support is now given to officers to stop search females. However, it is important to remember that the proportionality of Stop and Search incidents on different communities and gender is worked out in relation to the offending population, not the population as a whole. 


Picking up the issue that JC raised from the last minutes, it was asked why there is there no age limit on stop search. AC explained that it is very difficult to know where to draw line. Criminality begins at age 10. Stop and Search has been conducted on young people in the county who are under ten. Some under 10s may be carrying things that they shouldn’t be, such as someone hiding something in a baby’s push chair, or getting a young child to carry stolen goods. This is all based on individual circumstances.


Clarification was requested around what makes a Stop and Search ‘successful’. A‘successful’ outcome is where an item is found in the possession of the individual that is criminal. There has been a slight reduction in those that are not successful. AC said that it would be unrealistic to have a 100% success rate; however the success rate in Northamptonshire is significantly better than a number of other forces nationally.


WB asked how many of those who are stopped are repeats – AC advised that the people who are most Stop and Searched are PPO’s (Prolific and Priority Offenders). However, this is dependent on individual circumstances.


WB raised that there needs to be recognition if the negative effect that stop search has on a person. AC advised that the Police are soon going to be issuing some guidance around grounds of stop search for officers.


AC is keen to continue to engage with communities, and would like to increase confidence in the BME community about the way that Stop and Search is used, ensuring that it is used proportionally and evenly. A Forum member asked whether there would be a possibility for the public to patrol with Police, observing use of stop search. AC said that he supported this in principle; however it must be carefully thought out and introduced in the right way.


On engaging with BME groups, a forum member raised that many of the young people who won Young Black Achievers Awards have experienced stop search. AC advised that the Police are looking to get these groups involved in delivering training and speak directly to officers about the experience of Stop and Search. People with members in their community who have experienced stop search, please let AC know if they would be interested in speaking to officers about their Stop and Search experience.


Concerns were raised by some forum members around Stop and Searches that are not recorded. AC stated that if searches are not recorded, then this is completed unacceptable and will not be tolerated. The Police will need evidence of who was stopped, where and when – AC said that if anyone has this evidence he would be happy to look into it. JC asked if no form completed, whether this is classed as an illegal search. ACTION: AC to look into this.

The forum discussed ideas for solutions the Police could use to educate the public about their Stop and Search rights. Suggestions included:

-          WB - A6 cards which tell people their rights and responsibilities, flag up what they should be asking of the police officer.

-          Getting the Police and Communities to work together. AY asked whether the police be willing to let young youth have work experience with the police to break down barriers. AC advised that this is already in practice through the Police Cadets, Special Constables and Volunteer programmes. This is a big agenda for the Police and they are interested in taking community working forward to understand the issues that they face and the solutions that they have. NS said that if individuals or groups would like to meet to discuss Stop and Search or opportunities to work with the Police, please direct enquires to NS ( who will arrange.

-          MK raised that he had tried to do a public service announcement about Stop and Search on Inspiration FM, however the survey he had was out of date. ACTION: AC agreed to share the updated survey.

-          AC confirmed that people can video a Stop and Search happening to them – no issues with this. There had been suggestions for body worn video to be used by officers. However practicalities of this have meant that the idea has not been taken forward – the time to download, storage, keeping police off the street. Hopefully something in the future that can be further explored.


A comment was made that the PCC has not attended a Diverse Communities Forum meeting as yet. Cllr. Malpas agreed that an invitation would be sent for a future meeting.