Agenda item

Stop Search - Northampton Police


Andy Cox, (Superintendent, Northants Police) Lead for Stop and Search for Northampton – presentation given to the group. A summary of the presentation includes;


-     The design of Stop and Search remains on the national agenda – police want to be transparent and identify how they can best communicate with the public

-     Stop and Search is a good prevention tactic – genuine need for prevention, detention and resolution of crime

-     The Police recognise that it is important how they communicate and conduct themselves when operating Stop and Search – don’t operate with hindsight and the majority of Stop and Searches are innocent

-     In the last 18 mths, the police have received a lot of support from the community – consultation and engagement has taken place, to identify and rectify how the police are perceived and to improve community confidence

-     The Police have been on a Journey and want to identify the differences between 11/12 and 13/14;

In 11/12;

-     There was no formal mtg structure

-     No avenue for public feedback

-     It could take 3 months to get the Stop and Search on system analysed and processed

-     Form didn’t provide grounds for supervisors to assess suitability of stop/search


In 13/14

-          Quarterly working group, performance measures, members of the community, intelligence, operational police

-          Public feedback form and through PCC office commissioned NREC to survey those that have been and haven’t been stopped and searched

-          Target for Stop and Search – 72 hrs on system analysed and processed

-          Form amended to improve

-          Officers communication improved

-          Part of a national board

-          No targets for stop and search



-          From 1st April – the police will be introducing a proportionality target – against ethnicity – anything disproportionally fewer than 5% will be green, 5-10% amber and anything over 10% red – this will trigger a response by senior officers.

-          The Police will also be  looking at behaviour detection training, look at types of behaviour which would lead to stop and search and the focus will be more intelligence led

-          Figures will be published, from April 2014.

JC suggested that the existing form doesn’t capture experience; this has to be followed up via the Police’s website afterwards. Discussion took place to suggest this should be captured at the time of the Stop and Search.

ACTION: Andy C will share the form with the group – comments/feedback can be directed to Andy.


JC suggested there is no age restriction on Stop and Search which was concerning and that young people are not aware; that they can film the Stop and Search and that they can take the name badge of the officer/s carrying out the Stop and Search. AC suggested that the police are making the community aware of these rights and are tapping into community groups that exist


CF –suggested that NREC had made requests to the police for data capturing intimate searches, but were told they could not be given due to cost. AC suggested he was unaware of this request.

Action: CF to provide details of what is needed and purpose to AC and he will investigate, in effort to provide the information requested.


CF – suggested that NREC have been commissioned by the PCC’s office to carry out independent consultation with regards to Stop and Search. Paperwork handed to the group detailing the research.

Action: CF to send VR the paperwork, which can be published with the minutes to ensure other group members receive. 


The Forum felt this was an important issue and would like Andy to come back to a future meeting (July’s meeting ).