Agenda item

Risk Review of 2014/15 Budget Options

Report of Assistant Head of Finance (Copy herewith)


Phil Morrison, Assistant Head of Finance LGSS presented the report and elaborated thereon.  Glenn Hammons, Section 151 Officer confirmed that he had to report to Council on the robustness and adequacy of the budget and levels of reserves.  He would make his own assessment at the end of February.


In response to a question from Councillor Larratt, Glenn Hammons confirmed that the car parking figures had been highlighted as an area of concern for risk.  Further work and analysis was required so that the figures were robust on data and real evidence.  There was a challenge to the car park team on how things were likely to change as people’s behaviour varied which would be factored into the budget.


It was further confirmed that if there was a risk in the area of the collaborative working with Trading Standards, then this too would be reviewed. He advised that the Leisure Trust were aware that they would be self-supportive by 2018 and the management fee would be reduced from £500k to £0.


Councillor Larratt requested that assurance be provided that when developers are charged for street naming and numbering there would be no adverse impact on the Council budget to repair and maintain them.


Glenn Hammons confirmed that there had been a 10% decrease in Council contributions for the Joint Planning Unit however there were no future proposals.  There would be a review of the JPU and its activities.


RESOLVED:  That the recommendations be accepted and the report be noted.


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