Agenda item

N/2012/1252 - Outline application for residential development of up to 200 dwellings (including affordable housing) including road infrastructure, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage and engineering works (access not reserved) on land to east of Harlestone Road


The Head of Planning submitted a report on a consultation by Daventry District Council in respect of application no. N/2012/1252, elaborated thereon and referred to the Addendum that contained a letter from the applicant’s agent and the officer’s response.


The Head of Planning cross-referenced the agent’s responses in the Addendum to the points raised in the report.  He then detailed the officer’s responses to the comments made by the agent and stated that the agent’s responses did not adequately address the Council’s concerns.  Although the application was in the Daventry District Council area the proposed houses would be built to meet the housing needs of Northampton Borough.  Officers were concerned that this application should not be seen as a standalone development but as part of the larger Dallington Grange development.


The Committee noted that the Head of Planning intended to meet her counterpart at Daventry District Council to discuss issues relating to the site and the Dallington Grange development.  There were some issues which were likely to require agreement under delegated authority.  The Committee supported the need for the Head of Planning to be able to take this action.


The Committee discussed the application.


RESOLVED:              (1)      That Daventry District Council be informed that the

Council objects to the application on the basis that the s106 agreement, as currently proposed, would fail to address the infrastructure needs of the development or provide an adequate quantum or level of affordable housing.  In particular:


·                The current level of affordable housing proposed is 15% of the total number of dwellings. The split of affordable housing by tenure is not known at this stage.  DDC’s Affordable Housing SPD requires a provision of 29% unless justified through a viability appraisal.  No such appraisal has been disclosed to NBC.

·                As the site sits within the Northampton Related Development Area (NRDA) the affordable housing provision will meet the housing needs of Northampton Borough.  Consequently, NBC requests full input into the negotiation and drafting of the s106 with regard to affordable housing, including any discussions relating to financial viability.

·                As part of the wider Dallington Grange SUE, the proposal should make a proportionate contribution towards strategic infrastructure, including education and highway improvements.  NBC requests that no decision is taken until agreement is reached with NCC regarding the primary education contribution.  The s106 should also recognize the proportionate contribution of the development (as part of the greater SUE) towards secondary education and the A45/M1 Access Management Strategy, as set out in the memorandum of understanding between Local Planning Authorities and the County Council.

·                In the absence of appropriate s106 contributions, as set out above, it is considered that the proposal forms an unsustainable, stand-alone, scheme that fails to recognise the affordable housing needs of the area and the wider infrastructure needs of the Dallington Grange SUE.  As such it is inconsistent with Policy N7 of the submission West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy and paragraph 14 of the NPPF.

·                Request that DDC clarify the future noise levels associated with the North-West bypass to ensure that a satisfactory level of residential amenity can be achieved for proposed dwellings along its route.  In particular, reference is made to the noise assessment within the Environmental Impact Assessment submitted with the Dallington Grange application and the disparity with the noise report submitted with the current scheme.

(2)       And that the Head of Planning be given delegated authority to deal with pursuant negotiations and respond to any further consultation on this proposed development.

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