Agenda item

HRA Budget, Rent Setting 2013/14 and Budget Projections 2014/15 and 2015/16

(Copy herewith)


Councillor Bottwood submitted a report that sought approval of the HRA forecasts for 2014/15 and 2015/16, rent increase service charges and other charges for 2013/14 and provided a brief update on the ongoing work of the HRA.


Councillor Markham seconded the report.


Councillor Palethorpe moved and Councillor Mason seconded:


The Northampton Borough Labour Group proposes that £300,000 from the HRA Reserves be earmarked to provide environmental improvements on the council’s estates.



Environmental improvements related to increasing public safety across Northampton





“The Northampton Labour Group propose that £250,000 from the £1m allocated to improve Sheltered Housing should be ‘ring fenced’ to provide security intercom systems for elderly and vulnerable residents living in the Councils Sheltered Housing”




Sheltered Housing to provide security intercom systems for elderly and vulnerable residents living in the council’s sheltered housing






Upon a vote the amendment was lost:


RESOLVED: 1. That the following be approved:


a)    An average rent increase of 4.41% per dwelling, in line with the Government’s rent restructuring Policy, convergence in 2015/16, to take effect from 1 April 2013.


b)    The service charges listed in Appendix 5.


2.  That the feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be welcomed (detailed at Appendix 1).


3   That the changes to the proposed budget (detailed at Appendix 2), in light of the consultation responses and equalities issues be agreed.


4   That the HRA budget for 2013/14 of £53.4m expenditure (including options) be approved (detailed in Appendix 3).


5   That the issues and risks detailed in the Section 151 Officer’s statement on the robustness of estimates and the adequacy of the reserves (Appendix 6) be acknowledged.


6   That Chief Executive and Chief Finance Officer and Support be authorised to implement all budget options and restructures.


7   That the Chief Finance Officer in consultation with the lead Cabinet Member for Finance, and where appropriate the relevant Director and lead Cabinet Member be authorised to:


¬  transfer monies from earmarked reserves should that become necessary during the financial year.

¬  update the budget tables and Appendices, prior to Council should any further changes be necessary

¬  update prudential indicators in both the Prudential Indicators report and Treasury Strategy report, prior to Council for any budget changes that impact on these.


8   That the reserves strategy of protecting balances wherever possible to allow the option of supporting future years budgets, aiming for a minimum level of unallocated HRA reserves of £5.0m at the end of 2013/14 having regard to the outcome of the financial risk assessment and remaining at this level over the medium term and in line with the 30 year Business Plan be approved.



Supporting documents: