Agenda item

Community Governance Review

An addendum to the report tabled at the meeting is attached to the report, immediately following Appendix 3.


Councillor Mackintosh submitted a report that sought to agree the outcomes of the Borough-wide Community Governance review. He clarified that there was a mistake within the report at Item 9, section 2.1.11(d) that should have read Simpson Manor, not as Simpson Meadow as printed. An Addendum was also distributed, which summarised feedback that had been received since the publication of the Report to Council on 23rd November 2012. These were brought to the attention of the Council for information in making a decision on the recommendations arising from the Community Governance Review although they came after the closing of the formal consultation process. It was noted that the consultation stages of the Community Governance Review ended on the 15th November 2012 and a Local Advisory Poll had been conducted on that day. It was further explained that the Local Advisory Poll had been conducted in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the review, the process of which had been developed by the cross party Councillor Community Governance Review Steering Group.

Councillor Eldred congratulated the officers on their work and commented that the process was an opportunity to give people a say about the areas in which they lived.


Councillor Beardsworth commented that the advisory poll had not been as successful as thought of by the administration. It was noted that whilst she had no problems with Parish Councils, she had received communications from residents who had shown a real concern about the increase in the parish precept which people could not afford. She commented that there was little publicity with regards to the Poll and therefore questioned whether people had been suitably and sufficiently informed to make a decision.


Councillor Oldham reported that he had received communication in the post about the Local Advisory Poll. He commented that an extensive consultation process had been undertaken and was satisfied that everything had been done to ensure people had the necessary information with regards to the Local Advisory Poll.


Councillor Wire DL commented that both he and Councillor Mason had sat on the Community Governance Review Steering Group and explained that he could see no problem with the information provided and suggested that some of the responsibility lay with each Councillor to inform their Constituents. He further commented that the views of the people who did turn out to vote should therefore be listened to.


Councillor Nunn commented that the majority of people who had voted in the Wootton and East Hunsbury district had voted against the split of the Parish which he attributed to increased costs. He further reported that the Council had an obligation to listen to the views of the electorate and suggested that further consideration and the analysis of the implications was required. He stated therefore, that he would be voting against the split of Wootton and East Hunsbury.


Councillor Meredith reported that the low turn-out was a reflection of the spirit of democracy as people were exasperated by politics. He stated that the decision should be deferred or not agreed, to split Wootton and East Hunsbury and urged Council Members to reconsider.


Councillor Larratt thanked Keith Mitchell for his work on the Community Governance Review. He commented that he was a supporter of Parish Councils as they had provided some excellent services to residents. However, he commented that splitting Wootton and East Hunsbury would lead to severe financial implications which could potentially result in the splitting of services within the parish. He further reported that the proposed split was not due to come into effect until 2015 and suggested that any decision may need reviewing over the next 2 years.


Councillor Glynane commented that a vote was a vote and that the views of the people need to be listened to. He expressed his concern with regards to an email circulated about the opinion of a Councillor and requested that a copy be made available. He asked that a separate vote be held as to the date on which the proposed split of Wootton and East Hunsbury would take effect. He asked for assurance from the Leader that where areas become parished, that they not be subject to an increase in precept.


Councillor Hill referred to comments about an email sent by him, which he explained was of a personal nature and was disappointed that it had been circulated in the public domain. He echoed Councillor Larratt’s views and commented that he too would not be able to support a vote for the Wootton and East Hunsbury parish split.


Councillor Hallam commented that he felt it important to support the views of the parishioners who voted and therefore he would be voting against the creation of a Parish Council in Parklands.


Councillor Mackintosh, in response to Councillor Glynane, commented that any new parish created would be subject to the same rules and conditions as other Parish Councils.




2.1         That Council approves the following proposals for new Parish Councils and boundary changes to existing Parish Councils, commended to the Council by the CGR Steering Group:


2.1.1   That a Parish Council should not be created in the Parklands ward area of Northampton, as detailed in Appendix 1.1.


2.1.2 That a Parish Council should not be created in the Rectory Farm area of Northampton, as detailed in Appendix 1.2.


2.1.3 That a Parish Council should not be created in the Sunnyside and Obelisk wards of Northampton, as detailed in Appendix 1.3.


2.1.4    (a)       That a Parish be created in the West Hunsbury ward area of Northampton, as shown in Appendix 1.4.


(b)        That the new Parish should be represented by a Parish Council.


   (c)        That the new Parish Council be known as West Hunsbury Parish Council.  An alternative style is not recommended.


   (d)       That the electoral arrangements for West Hunsbury Parish Council are as contained in – of this report.


2.1.5    That a Parish Council should not be created in the Westone ward area of Northampton, as detailed in Appendix 1.5.


2.1.6    That a Parish Council should not be created in the St James ward area of Northampton, as detailed in Appendix 1.6.


2.1.7   (a)       That a Parish be created in the Hunsbury Meadows area of Northampton, as shown in Appendix 1.7.


            (b)       That the new Parish should be represented by a Parish Council.


            (c)        That the new Parish Council be known as Hunsbury Meadows Parish Council.  An alternative style is not recommended.


            (d)       That the electoral arrangements for Hunsbury Meadows Parish Council are as contained in – of this report.


            (e)       That further consultation be carried out with the new Hunsbury Meadows Parish Council and Upton Parish Council with regard to extending the proposed Parish boundary to include the development at Pineham Village.


2.1.8   (a)       That the Parish boundary should be changed and the new boundary detailed in Appendix 1.8 be agreed to move the properties in Turners Court and Turners Gardens affected by the proposal into Wootton and East Hunsbury Parish.


(b)          That this proposal will take effect from 1 April 2013.


(c)          That this proposal does not require any other changes to the existing governance arrangements for the Parish.


2.1.9   (a)       That the Parish boundary should be changed and the new boundary detailed in Appendix 1.9 be agreed to move the properties in Belfry Lane affected by the proposal from Wootton and East Hunsbury Parish into Collingtree Parish.


(b)        That this proposal will take effect from 1 April 2013.


(c)        That this proposal does not require any other changes to the existing governance arrangements for the Parishes affected.


2.1.10 (a)       That the Parish boundary for Hardingstone Parish Council should be changed and the new boundary detailed in Appendix 1.10 be agreed.


(b)          That the Parish boundary for Great Houghton Parish Council should be changed and the new boundary detailed in Appendix 1.10 be agreed, to include land to the north to be coterminous with the boundary for polling district SNRME.


(c)          That these proposals will take effect from 1 April 2013.


(d)          That these proposals do not require any other changes to the existing governance arrangements for the Parishes affected.


2.1.11(a)       That the existing Parish of Wootton and East Hunsbury be abolished on 1 April 2015.


            (b)       That a new Parish be created in the Wootton area of Northampton, the boundary for which is detailed in Appendix 1.11, with effect from 1 April 2015.


(c)         That the new Parish in the Wootton area should be represented by a  Parish Council.


(d)        That the new Parish Council be known as Wootton, Wootton Fields and Simpson Manor Parish Council.  An alternative style is not recommended.


(e)        That the electoral arrangements for Wootton, Wootton Fields and Simpson Manor Parish Council are as contained in – of this report.


(f)          That a new Parish be created in the East Hunsbury area of Northampton, the boundary  for which is detailed in Appendix 1.11, with effect from 1 April 2015.


(g)        That the new Parish in the East Hunsbury area should be represented by a Parish Council.


(h)        That the new Parish Council be known as East Hunsbury Parish Council.  An alternative style is not recommended.


(i)          That the electoral arrangements for East Hunsbury Parish Council are as contained in – of this report.


2.1.12(a)        That the boundary for Upton Parish should be changed to that detailed in Appendix 1.12.


           (b)        That this proposal will take effect from 1 April 2013.


(d)          That the Parish will continue to be known as Upton Parish.


(e)          That the Parish will continue to be represented by a Parish Council and that the Parish Council be known as Upton Parish Council.


(f)           That this proposal does not require any other changes to the existing governance arrangements for the Parish affected.


(g)          That governance arrangements for the Upton Parish should be reviewed by no later than 1 April 2027 to ensure that they reflect the changing demographics and community interests within the expanded community.


Supporting documents: