Agenda item

Treasury Management Mid Year Report 2012-13

(Copy herewith)

Presented By:Bev Dixon Ext 7401


The Finance Manager presented the draft Treasury Management Mid Year report for 2012/13 for the Committee to review before the report was submitted to Cabinet on 14 November 2012 and full Council on 3 December 2012.  For Members’ information, she tabled a paper showing amendments to paragraph 3.2.38 and Appendix J of the Cabinet report, which was appended to the Committee’s report, following forecasts received after the report had been published.  She also drew attention to Annex F of the report, where the figures for short term borrowing had been transposed and which had been corrected in the report which was being made to Cabinet on 3 December 2012.


The Finance Manger drew Members’ attention to investment performance (Annex G), where performance was well in excess of the benchmark, and the changes agreed to increase the £7m limit for any single investment transaction, which had not been meeting the Council’s needs (paragraph 3.2.28 refers).




That the report be noted.

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