Agenda item

N/2011/1160- Demolition of Garden Centre Concession Buildings and Erection of New Supermarket; Erection of New Retail Building and Storage Building to serve Garden Centre; Reconfiguration of Service Area and Service Road and Alterations to Vehicle Access from Newport Pagnell Road. Additional Works to Parking, Landscaping and Lighting. (As amended by revised plans received 16 January 2012 at Northampton Garden Centre, Newport Pagnell Road

Report of Head of Planning

(copy herewith)


Ward: Nene Valley

Presented By:B. Clarke x 8916


The Head of Planning referred to the Addendum in respect of application no N/2011/1160 that set out representations from Councillor Larratt and Andrea Leadsom MP and in particular referred to the supplementary report and the revised recommendation that the application be approved in principle subject to conditions and a Section 106 Agreement. She referred to paragraph 5.1 of the supplementary report and commented that following further representations made by the Applicant and their Counsel reconsideration had been given to the weight that should be given to Policies N6, N10 and S9 of the Pre- Submission West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy that were the subject of extant objections by a number of parties including the applicant. Accordingly, it would be difficult to substantiate a decision made based on these disputed policies and therefore the Committee was asked to consider the revised recommendation.


The Head of Planning referred to the report published with the agenda in respect of application no. N/2011/1160 and elaborated thereon.


Councillor Hill, as Ward Councillor, stated that he was pleased to that the recommendation had been altered to approval and commented that the site had established retail use and that the proposal had the overwhelming support of the residents of Wootton and Hardingstone; the area did not have many facilities and there was a need for a supermarket. He also noted that there was some sheltered housing near-by as well as other housing so that people would be able to walk to the supermarket.


Mr Costello commented that although the application site was not within Wootton and East Hunsbury Parish Council’s area, he was representing the Parish Council who supported the proposal and were pleased that the recommendation had been changed to approval. He stated that this facility was much needed in this part of the town. The Parish Council only had one concern that was to do with the speed limit on the Newport Pagnell Road and whether it should be reduced. He hoped that the Committee would approve the application.


Councillor Nunn, as Ward Councillor, commented that he had never received so many representations in favour of a project as he had for this planning application. He had not received any representations against it.  He believed that it was a good location for a supermarket; the Wyvale Centre was more than just a garden centre and that there were too many outstanding issues and delays surrounding the alternative site for it to be a viable option. He also believed that the revised recommendation to approve was correct following careful consideration of the issues and he urged the Committee to approve the application.


Mr Wright, the Agent, stated that he was delighted that the recommendation had been revised and thanked the Head of Planning for their reconsideration of the issues. He stated that the HCA site had been examined and their reasons for excluding it had previously been submitted to the Planners. Waitrose would be able to open next year and the store would create 120 jobs for local people who would become partners in the business as throughout the John Lewis Partnership. Mr Wright noted that local residents widely supported the proposal. The supermarket would be in walking distance for some residents and they would be making a contribution for transport issues: the site was accessible and made good use of it. They did have queries about the opening hours. In answer to questions, Mr Wright commented that they had a good relationship with the Garden Centre and hoped to conclude an agreement with them shortly and that they should be able to trade beside each other easily; and that he did not believe that this proposal would adversely affect Legal and General’s proposals for Grosvenor/Greyfriars- their supermarket was aimed at people living in Wootton and the surrounding area and that their Retail Impact Study confirmed this.


The Head of Planning noted that the impact of the proposal on other centres was considered in the report and confirmed the comment made by Mr Wright.      


The Committee discussed the application.


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved in principle subject to the conditions set out in the supplementary report, part of the Addendum, and Section 106 Agreement as below as the proposed development could not be reasonably located within an established centre, would not unduly impact upon the viability and vitality of the hierarchy of centres and would have a neutral impact upon general amenity and highway safety. The proposal is therefore in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy 22 of the East Midlands Regional Plan and Policies E19, E20 and E40 of the Northampton Local Plan.


                            This recommendation is subject to the prior finalisation of a Section 106 Agreement to secure a financial payment to fund  enhancements to bus routes within the vicinity of the site to mitigate the general lack of accessibility to the application site.


                             In the event that the Section 106 Agreement is not completed within three months of the date of this Committee meeting, the Head of Planning be given delegated authority to refuse or finally dispose of the application, at their discretion, for the reason that the necessary mitigation measures had not been secured in order to make the proposal acceptable in line with the requirements of Northampton Local Plan Policy E19 and the National Planning Policy Framework.       


Supporting documents: