Agenda item

N/2011/1267 Application to extend time limit for implementation of 06/0131/OUTWNN for residential development including means of access (all other matters reserved) at Former Goldings Middle School, Crestwood Road

Report of Head of Planning.


( Copy Herewith)


Ward Talavera

Presented By:Reddy Nallamilli Extn 8161


The Head of Planning submitted a report in respect of application no. N/2011/1267, elaborated thereon and referred to the Addendum that set out a request from the County Council that the timescale for completing the Section 106 agreement be three months rather than two and the amendment of condition 23.



The Committee discussed the application.


RESOLVED:     That the application be approved in principle as amended subject to the following:


(1)   Completion of a S106 Planning Obligation to secure:   


·           Public Open Space

·           Contribution to Sport and Recreation activities

       including Play Areas and recreation equipment contribution

·           On site Affordable Housing at 35%

·           Sport and recreation Contribution

·           Bus Infrastructure Contribution to include the provision of new/replacement bus shelters (design siting and appearance to be agreed) and real time displays in the proximity of the site

·           Bus Services Enhancement Contribution

·           Community Fund Contribution – to pay for a range

       of community uses including youth provision, libraries and employment coordination workers.

·           Employment Co-ordinator Contribution – used to fund

·           a co-ordinator of skills and training relevant to  development schemes in Northampton.

·           Footpath / Cycleway Contribution

·           Contribution towards traffic calming of Crestwood Road    and safe routes to school.

·           Contribution towards upgradings of Lings Wood Nature Reserve

·           Contribution towards the re-provision of a sustainable of tennis courts off the site.

·           Contribution of towards the rebuild or repair of a community building

·           Design Contribution – this is used to pay the costs

       of agreeing the final design and prevent standard highway layout and house types being utilised.

·           Strategic Infrastructure Contribution

·           Public Open Space Maintenance Sum

·           Provision and maintenance of a sustainable urban drainage system and a commuted sum of monies as necessary to ensure adequate funding of the maintenance for a minimum of 30 years or the design life of the development whichever is the greater.

·           Technical Support Contribution

·           CTEMM Plan – Construction Training And

       Employment Method Management Plan, this seeks to maximise job opportunities for residents of Northampton, creation of job opportunities and the provision of skills training, the means of advertising all vacancies (to include subcontractor organisation vacancies jobs).

·           Public Art Strategy

·           Lighting improvement to the site

·           Improvements to car parking in the vicinity of the site.

·           Provision and maintenance of a Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme on site and a commuted sum of monies as necessary to ensure adequate funding or maintenance for a minimum of 30 years or the design life of the development which-ever is the greater.

·           Sustainability Strategy including the need to achieve Eco Homes “Excellent” standard.

·           Details of a submission consultation strategy with Local residents, residents groups and elected members for a development brief/pre application process to take forward the scheme in terms of future reserved matters application matters.

·           Contributions towards closed circuit television cameras

·           Monitoring Contribution – this is used to pay the costs of monitoring compliance of s106 Obligation.


(2)    The planning conditions set out in the report and as amended as the Local Education Authority had previously confirmed that the site was surplus to requirements and was located within the settlement area where government and local plan policy support residential development which was appropriate to the character of the area and in this instance did not result in the loss of needed playing fields. The access and principle were considered to be appropriate in accordance with relevant the relevant policies of the Northampton Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.


(3)    It is also recommended that in the event that the S106 legal agreement is not signed and completed within three calendar months of the date of this Committee meeting, delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning to refuse or dispose of the application on account of the necessary mitigation measures not being secured in order to make the proposed development acceptable.


Supporting documents: