Agenda item

Finance and Monitoring Outturn Report

B Report of Director of Resources (Copy herewith)


1.      Cabinet noted the outturn position for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account for the financial year 2011/12.

2.      Cabinet noted the net movement in General Fund Revenue Reserves of £200k, and the detailed movement in Earmarked Reserves shown in Appendix 4 of the report.

3.      Cabinet noted the net movement in Housing Revenue Account Reserves and working balances.

4.      Cabinet noted the outturn position for the Council’s capital programme for 2011-12 and how the expenditure was financed.

5.      Cabinet approved the carry forward of unfinished capital schemes from 2011-12 into the 2012-13 capital programme.

  1. Cabinet approved the HRA Capital project variation for Community Energy Savings Programme (CESP) of £1.5m.for 2012/2013.


Councillor Bottwood, as the relevant Cabinet Member, submitted the Finance and Monitoring Outturn report


1.       That Cabinet noted the outturn position for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account for the financial year 2011/12.

2.      Cabinet noted the net movement in General Fund Revenue Reserves of £200k, and the detailed movement in Earmarked Reserves shown in Appendix 4 of the report.

3.      Cabinet noted the net movement in Housing Revenue Account Reserves and working balances.

4.      Cabinet noted the outturn position for the Council’s capital programme for 2011-12 and how the expenditure was financed.

5.      Cabinet approved the carry forward of unfinished capital schemes from 2011-12 into the 2012-13 capital programme.

  1. Cabinet approved the HRA Capital project variation for Community Energy Savings Programme (CESP) of £1.5m.for 2012/2013.

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