Agenda item

N/2009/0636 Erection of cultural and recreation centre to include Hindu Temple, Multi-purpose hall, sports facilities, visitor centre and exhibition space, teaching spaces including library, crèche, priest's house and six sheltered flats for over 55's. Externally, access, parking, all weather sports pitch and landscaping, including perimeter security fencing at Lings Way

Report of Head of Planning.


( Copy Herewith)


Ward Brookside

Presented By:Chris Preston EXTN 8618


The Head of Planning submitted a report in respect of application no N/2009/0636, elaborated thereon and referred to the Addendum that set out two further representations and the Officer response to them. The Head of Planning clarified that WNDC had originally approved the scheme subject to a Section 106 Agreement. The negotiations on the Section 106 Agreement had not been concluded before the transfer of planning powers back to the Council and together with the passage of time it had been decided to resubmit the scheme to the Committee. He also noted that the Lease of the land needed to be completed before the Section 106 Agreement could be concluded.


Miss Manning, a nearby resident, commented that she did not object to the scheme per se but had concerns about the highway issues despite the Highway Authority having given approval to it. She was particularly concerned about the traffic between Goldings Road and Crestwood Road; 14 buses an hour ran in each direction and there already had been accidents at the junctions of both roads with Lings Way. Miss Manning was also concerned about construction traffic using Lings Way and adding to congestion. She also had concerns as to whether the onsite parking would be adequate for weddings and big festivals. In answer to a question, Miss Manning commented that Lings Way was a straight road that had a 40mph speed limit and at peak times there were already traffic queues into Crestwood Road; she suggested that perhaps a traffic filter might help the situation.   


Mrs Aggarawal, on behalf of the applicants, commented that the IHWO were committed to achieving this project and intended to be inclusive. They had, and would continue to work in partnership with other organisations and the local community. They had also done everything that had been asked of them in terms of numerous studies and surveys. The scheme would bring new facilities to Northampton that would complement existing ones and it would provide a landmark building and opportunities for all. The Temple would be open to everyone. She urged the Committee to support the application. In answer to questions Mrs Aggarawal commented that the onsite parking provision was for six coaches and over 100 cars and noted that 50% of the Hindu community lived within walking distance of the site; that it was hoped that construction would commence towards the end of 2013 or early in 2014; that the IHWO would be open to establishing a liaison group with local residents to aid understanding of the project; and that the allocation of allotments and sheltered housing would be on a first come, first served basis from the wider community (despite the comment to the contrary in the appended WNDC Planning Report in respect of the allocation of the sheltered housing units.


The Head of Planning commented that issues concerning traffic and the junctions referred to by Miss Manning and parking had been discussed with the Highway Authority. There would be some 190 parking spaces within the site: it was about achieving a balance between peaks of usage of the site. The Highway Authority had asked for improvements to the footpath and were content with the scheme. Issues concerning construction traffic would be dealt with by a management plan (proposed condition 9 as set out in the report).     


The Committee discussed the application.


RESOLVED:   That the application be approved in principle subject to:


a)     Completion of a s.106 agreement in line with the Heads of Terms identified at paragraph 8.32 of the report attached at Annex 1; and


b)     The conditions set out in the report


 as the proposed development would result in the loss of an existing area of open amenity space and involves the construction of new buildings within the footprint of a non-statutory Local Wildlife Site. However, the scheme would secure significant benefits for the local community through the provision of high quality areas of sport and recreation and is accompanied by a Biodiversity Strategy which would ensure that the impact upon local wildlife habitat and protected species would be acceptable.  The design and landscaping of the scheme was considered to be suitable for its location and context.  Consequently, the proposal was compliant with saved Policies L1, E1, E11, E17, E18 and H7 of the Northampton Local Plan and the principles outlined within the National Planning Policy Statement (NPPF).

Supporting documents: