Agenda item

N/2012/0170- Creation of Multi-Use Skatepark at Midsummer Meadow

Report of Head of Planning

(copy herewith)


Ward: Rushmills

Presented By:A. Holden x 8466


The Head of Planning submitted a report in respect of application no N/2012/0170 elaborated thereon and referred to the Addendum that set out the effects of the NPPF on the application, additional representations from the County Council Archaeology Adviser and Northampton Wildlife Trust, the Applicants response to the Wildlife Trust, updates to the report in respect of contaminated land, flood risk and car parking and additional or amended proposed conditions.


Mr Charles, as Chair of Northampton Skateboard Park, commented that skateboarders in Northampton had been campaigning for new facilities for several years since the closure of Radlands. Skateboarders at present had to travel out of Northampton to use other facilities despite there being a large number of people wanting to participate. Skateboarders wanted a facility that would encourage competitions and therefore draw more people to the Town who as a by-product would spend their money on goods and services in Northampton. Mr Charles noted that since the anti skateboarding bye-laws had been introduced the need for a venue for skateboarders had become more pressing. He commented that not everyone was interested in football, rugby or cricket and that skateboarding was a healthy activity. He believed that the proposal before the Committee was forward thinking. In answer to questions Mr Charles commented that the Northampton Skateboard Park Group represented approximately a thousand skateboarders; that members of the Skateboard Group had agreed to manage the issues of litter themselves; and that the facility had been designed to accommodate a number of activities, at all ability levels including young children on scooters.  


Mr Ogle, on behalf of the Council as applicant, invited questions from the Committee. In answer to questions Mr Ogle commented that the change to the opening hours of the car park was to avoid its use by commuters; that the Council would have an ongoing maintenance liability for the facility; that the Events Team were keen to organise events with the Skateboard Group; and that usage of the site would be monitored and support given to help develop the use of the site as appropriate.


The Head of Planning noted that the Skateboard Park would have flexible opening hours and that further discussions could be held with the Applicant in respect of car parking so as to allow safe drop off and pick up arrangements at those times when the car park was closed to the public. He also noted that the lack of facilities in the County Town was an important point and the provision of this facility would prevent some journeys to other places and as a physical activity complied with national policy. In answer to questions, the Head of Planning commented that dropping off points could be dealt with by signage; that the Skateboard Group could advertise the facilities via a website; and that the issue of the car park opening hours was still being discussed, there were two options being considered, and that proposed condition 10 dealt with this.   


The Committee discussed the application.


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report as amended to reflect the NPPF, and the amended and additional conditions set out in the Addendum, as the proposal represented an improvement in leisure facilities that would serve the Borough as a whole and which would not have any detrimental impact on the existing open space or on the amenities of adjoining occupiers. The proposal thereby complies with Polices E20, L1 and L16 of the Northampton Local Plan and the NPPF.

Supporting documents: