Agenda item

N/2011/0865 Outline application for a warehouse and distribution development with associated infrastructure and landscaping. All matters reserved except access. (WNDC Consultation) at The Cattlemarket, Liliput Road

Report of the Head of Planning ( copy herewith)


Ward: Rushmills

Presented By:Tony Boswell X8724


Councillor Golby left the meeting in accordance with his declaration of interest recorded above.


The Head of Planning submitted a report in respect of application number N/2011/0865 and elaborated thereon and referred to the Addendum and commented that the proposal for two units were deemed too much of an encroachment on the green space area and provide an appropriate response to this sensitive gateway location adjacent to the open countryside in terms of siting, mass and general design / appearance, and should therefore be rejected. However, he further commented that the second recommendation as stated in the report, provided a positive way forward.


Mr Rawlings, the agent, commented that the application was a £25 million investment of both regional and national significance. The draft National Planning Policy Framework encouraged the planning system to be less complex and more accessible, and to promote sustainable growth and therefore the application should be considered on its merits. He stated that the benefits that the application, if approved, would consist of an increase in employment, investment, trade and an additional spend to the Northampton economy. In response to a questions, Mr Rawlings explained that he was conscious that the area of development was a ‘gateway’ approach to Northampton and that many of the suggestion made by NBC had already been discussed; it was a document subject to ongoing work.


The Head of Planning confirmed that Mr Rawlings had been pro-active with regards to engaging with the Council in that a meeting had already been arranged for the following week between officers of the Borough Council WNDC and representatives of the applicant.



The Committee discussed the application.


RESOLVED:   That WNDC be informed that the Council objects to the         application in its current form for the following reasons:


·        Having regard to the details submitted it is apparent that the applicant has aspirations for a large scale form of development that encroaches into designated Greenspace and would conflict with development policies, notably E1, E14 and E6 of the Northampton Local Plan.

·        Although there would be economic development benefits to be gained from the proposed development it is unlikely that these would outweigh the apparent Policy conflicts.


And requests that WNDC work with the applicant and NBC officers to identify an indicative form of the development that would clearly comply with the prevailing policies.  The indicative proposals must pay due regard to the requirements of the Development Plan notably Local Plan Policies E1, E6, E14 and D1 as well as Policy B8.  To this end it is recommended that revisions to the proposal be sought to:


·        Limit the scale of floor space.

·        Secure elevations / built form appropriate to this prominent entrance to the town in accordance with the objectives of Policy E14 of the Northampton Local Plan.

·        Secure a reduction in the visual scale of the development generally and specifically by not encroaching into the Greenspace designation and its visual impacts upon adjacent open countryside and, at a greater distance, impacts upon the character and appearance of the Great Houghton Conservation Area. 

Supporting documents: