Agenda item

N/2011/0295- Proposed New Aldi Food Store (Use Class A1) with Associated Car Parking and Landscaping, (Revised Scheme of 09/0096/FULWNN) AT 582-592 Wellingborough Road

Report of Head of Planning

(copy herewith)


Ward: Park

Presented By:B. Clarke x 8916


The Head of Planning submitted a report in respect of application no. N/2011/0295 elaborated thereon and referred to the Addendum that set out further representations from the Highway Authority raising specific concerns regarding the need to secure improvements to cycle infrastructure in the vicinity of the site without which they would object to the application, a response thereto and revised wording to proposed conditions 3, 6, 8 and 15.


Scott Bryden, architect for the applicant, commented that Aldi had revised the dimensions of the building which had in turn slightly lowered the roof line by .5m. The car parking spaces had been slightly widened. Previous objections concerning lighting within the site and the retention of the boundary hedge had been dealt with. In answer to questions Mr Bryden commented that it was anticipated that between 14 and 17 full time equivalent jobs would be created and confirmed that the boundary hedge would be retained and tidied up.


In answer to a question, the Head of Planning comment that a specific public realm project within the Town Centre as part of the Section 106 Agreement had not yet been identified.


The Committee discussed the application.


RESOLVED:    That the application be approved in principle subject to the prior completion of a S106 legal agreement as detailed below and the conditions set out in the report and as amended by the Addendum, as the proposal would represent the effective reuse of previously developed land and would not unduly impact upon the amenities of surrounding occupiers. By reason of the scale of the proposal and subject to the suitable use of planning controls, the development would not adversely impact upon the viability and vitality of other established centres. The proposal therefore complied with the requirements of PPS4, PPS23, PPG13, PPG24 and Local Plan Policies E20, E40 and T11.


                          The S106 agreement shall secure the following matters:

i) Payment is made to fund improvements in bus stop provision within Wellingborough Road including the provision of real time update equipment and to fund its ongoing maintenance;

ii) Payment is made to fund improvements to the town centre environment in order to offset any impacts upon this centre as a result of this development being permitted;

iii) That the development is only occupied as a ‘Limited Assortment Discounter’ supermarket and for no other use within Class A1 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended).

iv) That the net level of retail floor space does not exceed 990m2.

v) That an obligation be secured ensuring that the level of retail floor space used for the display and sale of comparison goods does not exceed 15% of the total net retail floor space.


In the event that the S106 legal agreement is not secured within three calendar months of the date of this committee meeting, the Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to  refuse or finally dispose of the application on account of the necessary mitigation measures not being secured in order to make the proposed development acceptable.

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