Agenda item

Revised Terms and Conditions of service for Council employees.

(Copy to follow- 7 September 2010)


The Head of Human Resources outlined the report to the Committee and informed them that the single status agreement had been signed in 1997 and that there had been two previous attempts to undertake the process but there had been a failure to reach any satisfactory solutions.


A questionnaire had been undertaken and the results had been analysed independently and sent through to the job evaluation panel. Each score had been checked to ensure that the hierarchy was correct and the fact that the job evaluation process had been so detailed resulted in the extensive time taken to complete. Extensive involvement with the Unions had been carried out, each of which had the power to veto a proposed scheme. It was noted that 22 different schemes had been considered however, having failed to reach a resolution with the Trade Unions at local levels, communication was extended to regional levels in an attempt at reconciliation, as there was a want to have collective agreement.


Cllr Simpson asked why NBC was offering a 1-year pay protection agreement when other Councils had offered up to 3 years. It was acknowledged that neighbouring authorities had offered a similar agreement. The Borough Solicitor informed the Committee that a continuation of pay protection over 3 years would open up more legal risks and a balance would be needed to address any inequality issues.


Cllr Mildren asked whether the pay protection agreement would be a saving to the Council. The Director of Finance and Support answered by informing the Committee that the Medium Term Financial Plan superficially looked as though savings would be made but there would be a spending of about £1.5 million and that in terms of finances the HRA and the General Fund should be regarded as two separate things.


Cllr Glynane asked if of the 22 different options considered, had any agreements been struck and if there was figure between 20 and 30 percent of staff being affected that had previously been reached. The head of Human Resources stated that the best pay model achievable was attained and different options had been explored within the settings of the key increments.  However, it was the actual percentage of people affected that the GMB had strongly objected to instead preferring the 20 percent or below figure.


A handout was distributed by the Chief Executive, which indicated the numbers of people who would gain, loose and stay the same. He went on to explain that producing an equal pay structure would involve finding the pay protection capital through the General Reserve and informed Members that management would be very mindful of the individuals who would be affected by pay cuts and the Council would support them through the process and emphasised that it would be undesirable to have cases bought against the Council on the grounds of inequality.


Cllr Palethorpe asked of the involvement between management and the Trade Unions of the 310 people set to loose and what work would be carried out with the staff that would be affected. Catherine Wilson explained that support would be given to those who would be negatively affected and that there was a continued commitment to work with the Trade Unions until the end of September 2010.


Cllr Woods proposed that the Committee adopt the report but was not seconded. The Chair the opened up meeting for further discussion proceeded to go through each of the recommendations.


The Committee then:


  1. Approved and adopted the proposals for new pay and conditions, for employees covered by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services.


  1. Delegated to the Chief Executive as the Council’s Head of Paid Service the power to take any direct or incidental actions required to implement the revised terms and conditions and any other issues arising from the report subject to the financial implications by Cabinet


  1. Approved and adopted the pay protection arrangements of one year to run from the 1st January 20111 until the 31st December 2011.


  1. Approved and adopted the Pay Progression Policy and delegated to the Chief Executive as the Council’s Head of Paid Service the power to amend the policy should the need arise.


  1. Approved and adopted the Market Supplement Policy and delegated to the Chief Executive as the Council’s Head of Paid Service the power to amend the policy should the need arise.


  1. Approved and adopted the revised essential car mileage allowances and Inland Revenue foxed rate mileage scheme for all employees of the Council, implementation planned for 1st April 2011, subject to completion of consultation with Trade Unions.



The meeting concluded at 19.39

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