Agenda item

Cabinet Member Presentations


At this point each of the Cabinet members made a presentation on their respective portfolios which had been circulated with the agenda.


Councillor Woods as Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Partnerships and Improvement submitted his portfolio update and noted that the appointments to the Council’s Senior Management Structure had now been completed and that work on the second stage to transform the delivery of the Council’s services had already started.  In answer to questions from Councillors Palethorpe, Larratt and Clarke, Councillor Woods noted that in respect of the increase in Councillors allowances the Administration would need to balance priorities; that in respect of the St Peters Way/Marefair traffic scheme he had written to County Councillor Seery in respect of the problems experienced by taxi drivers, cyclists and the poor quality of finishes but had yet to receive a reply and agreed that a review of this scheme was needed; and noted that he was pleased to accept Councillor Clarke’s support in respect of the Council’s financial settlement from the Government and noted that the Minister would only meet local Councils if they had the support of their MPs which he was trying to obtain.


(Councillors Beardsworth, Church, Hill, B Hoare, Hollis, Lane, Glynane, Malpas declared a personal interest in the discussions as members of the County Council insofar as it related to the St Peter’s Way/ Marefair traffic improvements.)


Councillor Glynane, Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Safety presented his portfolio update and in answer to a question from Councillor Palethorpe confirmed that there were no plans to cut funding to the Royal and Derngate.  In answer to a question from Councillor Clarke in respect of evidence to support a point of view that this year’s Christmas decorations had proved more attractive, Councillor Glynane referred to a letter published in the Chronicle and Echo in 1997, when the then Labour Administration cut funding of Christmas decorations.  Councillor Clarke pressed Councillor Glynane to answer his question. The Mayor asked Councillor Clarke to allow Councillor Glynane to answer the question.


Councillor P D Varnsverry moved and Councillor Hollis seconded under paragraph 10.1 of the Constitution “That Councillor Clarke be required to cease his misconduct immediately”.


Upon a request for a recorded vote:-


There voted for the motion: Councillors Beardsworth, Church, Collins, J Conroy, R Conroy, Crake, Glynane, Hawkins, B Hoare, Hollis, I Markham, Matthews, Meredith, Mildren, Perkins, Taylor, P M Varnsverry, P D Varnsverry, Wilson, Woods and Yates.


There voted against the motion:-      Councillors Capstick, Caswell, I Choudury, Clarke, Davies, Lane, Larratt, Malpas, Mason, Palethorpe, Reeve and Scott.


Abstentions:      The Mayor and Councillor Hill.



The motion was carried.


Councillor Beardsworth, the Portfolio Holder for Housing presented her portfolio update and welcomed Lesley Wearing, the Director of Housing, to her first meeting of the Council.  In answer to a question from Councillor Clarke, Councillor Beardsworth apologised for the delay in writing to him and residents of the Cooper Street flats but indicated that a letter had been drafted and the works had now been completed on time and that consultations with residents on the second stage of the works would be commenced after Christmas.  In answer to a question from Councillor Meredith, Councillor Beardsworth accepted his comments in respect of sheltered housing tenants concerns on the rotating warden system and noted that this was being reviewed with the Sheltered Housing Forum and the situation would be discussed with tenants.


Councillor Crake as the Portfolio Holder for Environment presented her update and in answer to questions from Councillor Larratt noted that it was not possible to accurately indicate whether the Council would meet its budget for recyclable material but given its good quality it was hoped that the budget would be met and that in respect of kerbside glass collections that these would commence after Christmas and information would be advised to residents.


Councillor Church as the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration presented his portfolio update and in answer to a question from Councillor Clarke commented that although there were issues about the proposed works in Gold Street there was also a great deal of support for them and that the works in Marefair had changed the quality of public realm for the better.  Wider pavements were needed in Gold Street.


Councillor B Hoare as the Portfolio Holder for Performance presented his portfolio update and noted that the Legal Services Department had received a very positive assessment as part of Lexcel accreditation process the final results of which were awaited.  The assessment was a credit to the Legal Team.


Councillor Mildren as the Portfolio Holder for Finance presented his portfolio update and in answer to a question from Councillor Clarke commented that he had asked for information on how the use of lie detectors would work and would write to Councillor Clarke accordingly.

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