Agenda item

Member and Public Question Time


The Mayor advised that six questions had been received from members of the public and Councillors and that these and the answers had been tabled in accordance with the Constitution.  The Mayor advised that he would take the questions in the order in which they had been received.


Mr Oldham asked a question of Councillor Beardsworth, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of the Sheltered Housing Review carried out by Supporting People.  Mr Oldham noted the response as tabled and Councillor Beardsworth in answer to a supplementary question commented that up until the Forum meeting that both she and Mr Oldham had attended she had not been aware of sheltered housing tenants’ concerns in respect of the rotating warden system.


Councillor Malpas asked a question of Councillor Crake, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of the numbers and powers of Neighbourhood Wardens employed by the Council and the numbers of tickets that they had issued by type of offence.  Councillor Malpas noted the response that had been tabled.


Mr N Adams asked a question of Councillor Beardsworth, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of asbestos survey being carried out in the Council’s housing.  Mr Adams noted the response as tabled and in answer to a supplementary question Councillor Beardsworth commented that there was no risk unless asbestos was disturbed and surveys were being carried out as works to properties were undertaken.


In the absence of Mr Green, the Mayor referred to the question directed to Councillor Church as the relevant Portfolio Holder and the answer tabled in respect of Borough Councillors voting at the WNDC Planning Committee and the costs of hiring sports pitches at upper schools since the introduction of the PFI scheme.  The Mayor noted that the response would be sent to Mr Green.


Councillor Davies asked a question of Councillor Woods as the relevant Portfolio Holder in respect of whether the Council had conducted a soil test on Delapre Park Bund.  Councillor Davies noted the response as tabled. Councillor Woods in answer to a supplementary question commented that the responsibility for testing the bund material lay with the Environment Agency who had so far conducted water tests which had proved negative.  The Administration’s objective was to see the removal of the London Road bund at nil or minimal cost to the Council but the Environment Agency would only use the material when they were ready for it.


Councillor Malpas asked a question of Councillor Mildren in respect of the Council’s current financial position.  Councillor Mildren commented that the Council had balanced its books as at 31 March 2008 and had increased its balances.  In the current financial year there was a forecast overspend as at 31 March 2009 of £47,000.  During these turbulent financial times the Council was working to minimise the impact of this.  He commented there were pressures on next year’s budget which up until September were forecast at a £3m shortfall but since then had been the impact of the credit crunch.  A draft budget would be presented to the Council’s Cabinet on 22 December.  Councillor Malpas noted the response.