Agenda item

Member and Public Question Time

Copies of the questions and answers are attached.


The Mayor advised that nine questions had been received from members of the public and Councillors and that these and the answers had been tabled in accordance with the Constitution.  The Mayor advised that he would take the questions in the order in which they had been received.


Mrs Roy asked a question of Councillor Beardsworth, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of the Council working with its tenants with disabilities in their own homes and referred, in particular, to the case of a particular tenant.  Mrs Roy noted the response as tabled and Councillor Beardsworth, in answer to a supplementary question, noted that a response to the case raised was contained in a letter that had been posted to Mrs Roy. 


Mrs Roy asked a question of Councillor Woods, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of the High Court case between Kaur and Shah versus the London Borough of Ealing and its impact upon Equality Impact Assessments in policy decisions.  Mrs Roy noted the response as tabled and Councillor Woods, in answer to a supplementary question, noted that improvement to the Council’s processes were taking place all the time and that he was content that Equality Impact Assessments were being conducted in a timely way.


Mrs Smith asked a question of Councillor Glynane, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of the rent charges for Thorplands Brook Community Co-op Shop and Kings Heath Need-to-Know Shop.  Mrs Smith noted the response as tabled and Councillor Glynane, in answer to a supplementary question, stated that consideration would be given to negotiating an arrangement for the rent to be paid. 


Mr Adams asked a question of Councillor Beardsworth, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of the Council bidding in the sixth PFI bidding round for the upgrade of Council housing.  Mr Adams noted the response as tabled and Councillor Beardsworth, in answer to a supplementary question, stated that all those likely to be affected by a PFI option would be consulted. 


Mr Adams asked a question of Councillor Beardsworth, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of the formation of a new tenants’ liaison mechanism.  Mr Adams noted the response as tabled and Councillor Beardsworth, in answer to a supplementary question, commented that it was her wish that NTACT would function properly and ideally would like to see an elected panel but, until this could be achieved, an alternative mechanism was needed.


The Mayor, on behalf of Mr Swinn, asked a question of Councillor Beardsworth as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of type 2 asbestos in Council dwellings and noted that the response as tabled would be forwarded to Mr Swinn. 


Councillor Davies asked a question of Councillor Woods, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of funding to remove the Delapre Park bund and noted the response as tabled.  Councillor Woods, in response to a supplementary question, stated that it made good financial sense to work with English Partnerships otherwise the costs to the Council would be high to move bund material to landfill.


Councillor Capstick asked a question of Councillor Glynane, as the appropriate Portfolio Holder, that Lings Forum would not be closed as a cost saving measure to fill the gap in the Council’s finances.  She noted the response as tabled and Councillor Glynane, in answer to a supplementary question, commented that leisure services was seen as a fundamental need in Northampton and that there was demand for another facility on the west side of town.


Councillor Larratt asked a question of Councillor Crake, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of the provision of a replacement bench at the junction of St Edmunds Street, Alfred Street and Stockley Street.  He noted the response as tabled and Councillor Crake, in response to a supplementary question, noted that the delay had been due to difficulties in obtaining the appropriate fittings.  The bench would be installed on the following day, 28 October 2008.

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