Agenda item

Matters Arising Not Already On the Agenda


It was noted that Lisa Knight, a member of the County Council’s HIV and Sexual Health Team was present to speak on World Aids Day.


Councillor Church advised that with regard to Becketts Park Improvement Work it was anticipated that a report on the proposed master plan would be submitted to Cabinet around October.  In response to a query he undertook to see if he could get an update with regard to whether there were any further proposals in terms of a floating restaurant at Midsummer Meadow.


At this juncture Lisa Knight of the County Council’s HIV and Sexual Health Team made a presentation in terms of her work with World Aids Day and her work on the Sexual Health Team generally.  She stated that she had previously worked for the Terence Higgins Trust and therefore been involved with World Aids Day etc previously.  She stated that she wanted to put on a local event and that this year marked the 20th anniversary of World Aids Day.  The purpose was to raise awareness of HIV.  She added that in Northampton  the number of people with HIV was on the increase and therefore it was important to raise the profile of this and it was hoped to do so via some community activity. This should bring together groups by finding out who was doing what and therefore Lisa thought it would be a good idea to come to this group as a starter and to gather information and ideas for a way forward.  She stated that she had approached various organisations and buildings in the town including the Guildhall and Derngate to see whether they would be prepared to get involved with the event.  One idea was for the buildings to light up in red to engage with the public and as a red theme continuing on from the red ribbons.  However the Guildhall were unable to do this as it clashed with another event.  She was due to have a meeting with Derngate and would be contacting other businesses and would welcome any ideas and feedback on this accordingly.  She stated that she had a very limited budget.  L Ambrose suggested contacting Northampton Town Football Club as they might be prepared to launch some campaign at one of their home games as they had in the past.  Councillor Church suggested pursuing whether the World Aids flag could be flown from the Guildhall flagpole.


Ellie suggested that perhaps Roadmender and other clubs might wish to get involved and whether some of the streets in the town such as Abington Street could be decorated in some way.  Paul Crofts the Equality Officer for students was also given as a contact.  It was also suggested that perhaps the Borough Council’s Youth Forum could get involved in some way.  Other areas suggested included the Guildhall foyer and the Market Square.  Lisa stated that she would leave leaflets with Forum members with contact numbers and to liaise with her in terms of any further ideas and suggestions.


In the course of the discussion other issues surrounding HIV and sex education were mentioned and Lisa offered to go and talk to any of the schools or other Borough forums should they so wish with regard to her work.


Lisa was thanked for her attendance and that the forum would be updated on the position and equally pass on any information or ideas to her.