Agenda item

Cabinet Member Presentations

(copies herewith)


At this point each of the Cabinet members made a presentation on their respective portfolios which had been circulated with the agenda.


Councillor Woods then presented his portfolio update which covered issues of improvement, inspections, management restructure and the WNDC.  A number of comments were made regarding the section dealing with the results of our Direction of Travel Inspection.


Councillor Glynane then presented his portfolio regarding community engagement and safety which covered crime, anti-social behaviour, Safer Stronger Northampton Partnership, Venezia, the Balloon Festival, culture and leisure, customer service performance, complaints management, housing progress assessment and call care –Telecare Standards Accreditation (TSA) Audit.  Under the paragraph culture and leisure Councillor Clarke made the comment that in his opinion culture and leisure was failing in terms of a playing field strategy.


Councillor Beardsworth then presented her portfolio update in terms of housing.  This covered issues such as partnership working, local housing allowance, property maintenance, housing register review, service awareness forum and the big picture.  Councillor Hill under property maintenance enquired when the Bouverie estate door entry system would be carried out.  Councillor Beardsworth undertook to write to him regarding this.


NB. Councillor Malpas declared a personal interest in Bouverie estate as a resident of that estate.


Councillor Lane then asked a question as to when the boilers at Pennycress Place were last serviced.  Councillor Beardsworth advised that the boilers were normally serviced once a year but that she would write to him.


Councillor Clarke then asked a question regarding Cooper Street flats as to why works had not met the target.  She advised that there had been some legal implications but the works would be completed and that she would write to him regarding this.


Councillor Church then presented his portfolio update in terms of regeneration.  He advised that he had recently attended a workshop dealing with developing a master plan for Beckets Park and that there would be a public exhibition in Beckets Park in June and that he hoped as many Councillors as possible would attend and contribute to this.  His portfolio covered issues such as Grosvenor/Greyfriars, economic regeneration strategy, the Market Square and RSL Management Partnership Agreement.  In response to a question regarding works to the Market Square Councillor Church advised that this process could not be rushed but that progress was being made.  In response to a question regarding a closed footbridge in Beckets Park he stated its replacement would be dealt with as soon as finance could be found.


Councillor Crake then presented her portfolio update in terms of the environment.  Under the paragraph on waste management she amended the figure of 10,000 homes to 13,866 homes.  The report covered issues such as street scene, waste management, carbon management programme, stray dog service and property maintenance.  In response to a query from Councillor J Lill regarding recycling not being collected she advised that she would look into this and let her know.  In response to a question from Councillor Larratt as to when a list detailing bands in parks would be published she stated that this would happen within the next two weeks.  Regarding any question concerning the replacement train in Abington Park she advised that this would be installed once health and safety issues had been thoroughly investigated an completed.  In terms of the question regarding Victoria Park improvements she stated that every effort would be made to ensure it maintained its standard.


Councillor Hoare then presented his portfolio update in terms of performance.  This covered issues such as induction test for hackney drivers, Land Charges, Election Services, overall performance, absence management, best value performance plan, preparation of a new set of national indicators, new performance management system, performance management framework, single status and equal pay and skills for life.  In presenting his report he placed on record thanks to Bruce Sturgess who had recently retired as Licensing Enforcement Officer for all his support and work that he had done for this Council.  Thanks to Ross Thompson the Council’s Electoral Services Manager was also placed on record it being noted that his experience had been recognised at a regional level and that he had been asked to chair the East Midlands branch of the Association of Electoral Administrators.


Councillor Mildren then presented his portfolio update regarding finance which covered general issues, improvement, value for money, risk management and asset management.

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