Agenda item

Question Time


The Mayor advised that eleven questions had been received, two from members of the public, Mr Adams and Mr Green and the remainder from Councillors.


The questions and answers had been tabled in accordance with the Constitution and the Mayor advised that she would take the questions in the order in which they had been received.


Mr Adams noted the response to his question to Councillor Woods as tabled and asked a supplementary question. He asked whether Councillor Woods  would take on board the fact that sixty authorities at the moment were taking up the issue of negative subsidy and could Councillor Woods at the earliest date make that sixty one authorities.  Councillor Woods advised that officers had been discussing this with the group who were responding on a national basis and he would come back as soon as possible in terms of whether the proposal was appropriate.


Councillor Reeve asked a question of Councillor Glynane regarding the Delapre bund.  Councillor Reeve noted the response as tabled.


Councillor Palethorpe  asked a question of Councillor Woods as to whether or not he had been consulted with regard to the contents of a letter that had been distributed to properties around Robinson House.  Councillor Palethorpe noted the answer as tabled.


Councillor Reeve asked a question of Councillor Glynane regarding figures for burglaries in privately owned and Council owned dwellings.  Councillor Reeve noted the response as tabled.


Councillor Palethorpe asked a question of Councillor Beardsworth seeking details of the total sum outstanding and the percentage of the amount payable on all Council owned garages that were least attendance.  He noted the answer as tabled.


Councillor Malpas asked a question of Councillor Woods as to whether the Borough Council had any plans to establish a town centre tram system or to forge transport links with the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive.  He noted the answer as tabled and then asked a supplementary question as to why Greater Manchester was sending out information about their systems with Northampton’s bus passes.  Councillor Woods stated that the issue of passes and accompanying documentation had been sub contracted to the government’s preferred supplier Fujitsu who were dispatching passes for Northampton and many other places.


Councillor Reeve asked a question of Councillor Glynane regarding the Balloon Festival in terms of last year’s accounts and this year’s allocated budget.  He noted the response as tabled and asked a supplementary question as to whether alternative entertainment and attractions were in place should it be bad weather over the festival weekend.  Councillor Glynane advised that there a whole range of activities  over the Racecourse had been planned but that unfortunately the weather was not within the Council’s control.


Councillor Palethorpe asked a question of Councillor Glynane regarding the Northampton Athletics Track at Sixfields.  Councillor Palethorpe noted the response as tabled and asked that the detailed negotiations with a number of parties be pursued.  Councillor Glynane took this point on board.


NB. Councillor Clarke declared a personal interest in Sixfields as a Director of Northampton Town Football Club.


Councillor Reeve asked a question of Councillor Glynane about the provision of PCSOs for the Borough.  Councillor Reeve noted the response as tabled.


Councillor Palethorpe asked a question of Councillor Glynane whether he would not agree that all violent criminality regardless of the circumstances should be condemned.  Councillor Glynane concurred with this view and Councillor Palethorpe noted the response as tabled.


Mr Dave Green then asked a question of Councillor Church regarding  progress by NBC on securing Managed Community Access Agreements with Northamptonshire County Council and WNDC for community use of facilities and playing fields at the new PFI schools.  Mr Green noted the response as tabled and asked a supplementary question in that would the Borough Council refuse any further planning applications for surplus school sites until such time that Community Access Agreements had been put in place.  Councillor Church advised that any such planning applications would be determined by the WNDC and the Borough Council would be a consultee.  He could not predict the response of the Planning Committee.


NB. In answering the above question Councillor Church declared an interest as a representative on the WNDC Board.