Agenda item

Cabinet Member Presentations

(copies herewith)


At this point each of the Cabinet members made a presentation on their respective portfolios which had been circulated with the agenda.  It was noted that as three members of the Cabinet were absent Councillor Woods would present both his and Councillor Beardsworth’s Portfolios, Councillor Glynane would present both his and Councillor Hoare’s Portfolios and Councillor Church would present both his and Councillor Crake’s Portfolios.


Councillor Woods then presented his Portfolio update and circulated a supplementary report in terms of Management Structure and Portfolios.  He stated that the Chief Executive would issue a consultation document this week to staff regarding the structure of the organisation.  In terms of Portfolios he advised that he intended to make a number of amendments to the responsibilities of individual Portfolio Holders to better align the political and managerial leadership of the Council to ensure better and more efficient and effective leadership.  The changes were likely to be incremental over a period of time as new Directors were appointed and as the new Management Structure developed.  However one change with effect immediately after Easter was with regard to Housing Repairs which currently fell within the Environment Portfolio. From 25 March this would fall under the Housing Portfolio.

 Councillor Woods then presented the Housing Portfolio report  which touched on Housing Department Performance, Partnership Working, Choice Based Lettings and Homeswapper, Rough Sleepers and IBS Housing System Integration.

 In response to a question from Councillor Clarke on the leaders portfolio regarding the mechanism of reporting back to Council in terms of issues from the WNDC now that the Leader and Councillor Church had been appointed onto the Board Councillor Woods advised that he would ensure that he reported back and that it would be through the Portfolio updates or by some other method.


Councillor Malpas then asked a question regarding Choice Based Lettings from the Housing Portfolio in terms of whether Overview and Scrutiny would be fully involved in future in decisions of this nature.  Councillor Woods stated that he was not aware that there had been any agreement that this should go to Overview and Scrutiny and that he would get the Portfolio Holder to write to Councillor Malpas accordingly.  Councillor Clarke then asked a question regarding Council policy in terms of Section 20 Notices.  Councillor Woods advised that in terms of Cooper Street quotes were being obtained and once they were available would be looked at in terms of how to best proceed.


Councillor Glynane then presented his Portfolio regarding Community Engagement and Safety together with Councillor Hoare’s Portfolio for Performance.  The Community Engagement and Safety Portfolio covered issues such as Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour, Safer Stronger Northampton Partnership, Cultural Strategy, Leisure and Sports Development, Museums and Events, Single Equality Scheme, Community Engagement Strategy, Restructure Update, One Stop Shop Pilot Project, Complaints Management and Call Care.  In response to a question from Councillor Hill regarding the Performance Portfolio Councillor Glynane said that he would ask Councillor Hoare to write to him in terms of examples where the Council was falling short of its targets and to send him the performance figures for February.  Councillor Clarke then asked a question regarding Community Access to PFI schools in terms of what action was being taken to ensure that this was being pursued.  In response to a further question from Councillor Hill regarding Operation Flag and the ability to name and shame those companies that regularly broke the rules it was noted that any action should be taken through the Licensing Committee.


Councillor Church then presented his Portfolio update in terms of Regeneration together with Councillor Crake’s Portfolio for Environment.  It was noted that a Farmer’s Market was due to be held on 17 April and he hoped that Councillors would support this.  He added that there would be a Farmers Market every third Thursday in the month in future.  In terms of the Environment Portfolio there were a number of items to demonstrate how the Council was driving on with the Environment Agenda for example the Carbon Management Programme.  He also drew attention to a pilot scheme for Kerbside Glass Collection.  Councillor Hadland then asked a question regarding Market Square Improvements in terms of the consultation that had taken place.  Councillor Church advised that there had been consultation with market traders and the community and that he was satisfied that the level of consultation was adequate to deliver a meaningful report on the Market Square refurbishment.  Councillor Flavell asked a question regarding the Closure of a Footbridge over the River Nene leading to the Nature Reserve at Barnes Meadow.  Councillor Church advised that it was not a decision of the Administration to close the footbridge but that it had been closed for safety reasons and that it was hoped that funds would be secured to re-open the bridge but that he could not say when this would be.  He advised that it could not be funded from the current Midsummer Meadow project.  Councillor Malpas congratulated the Portfolio Holder for Environment on Bradlaugh Fields achieving Green Flag status.


Councillor Mildren the Portfolio Holder for Finance then presented his Portfolio update.  Councillor Hadland stated that he was pleased to note that the Northampton Door to Door Service was continuing.  Councillor Palethorpe referred to Shopmobility and was concerned about people not being consulted when Shopmobility was relocated.  Councillor Mildren assured that Shopmobility would be kept fully in touch with the situation.

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