Agenda item

Notices of Motion

(A)  Councillor Clarke to move and Councillor Hawkins to second :-


“This Council notes that the West Northamptonshire Development Corporation (WNDC) Planning Committee for Northampton has approved a planning application,submitted by Northamptonshire County Council, for public art known as “The Needle and Canopy” in Castle Ward at the junction of St.Andrews Road, St.Peter’s Way,Black Lion Hill and Westbridge.


This Council further notes that:-


The Northampton Borough Council  Planning Committee resolved on 24 October 2007,when consulted, “That the Council raise objections to the application for the following reasons”:-


1.      The Application is premature until the conclusion of the Town Centre Area Action Plan and a Strategy for the Adjacent Ancient Monuments and the Cultural Heritage.

2.      That the concept would spoil the visual amenity of the Gateway to the

Town Centre”


At the request of Overview and Scrutiny the Leader of the Council wrote to WNDC to request they postpone development work in the area pending the report of the Historic Buildings/Regeneration Opportunities Task and Finish Group.


“The Needle and Canopy” were selected by competition held in private with no public participation in consideration of the alternatives.


Serious concerns have been raised as to the suitability of the “Needle and Canopy” in this important and historic location.


This Council calls on the West Northamptonshire Development Corporation and Northamptonshire County Council to withdraw their plans for “The Needle and Canopy” and to implement a full and thorough public consultation on the appropriate artwork to occupy this important historic approach to the town centre.”


(B) Councillor Malpas to move and Councillor Palethorpe to second:-


“In July 2007 Cllr Palethorpe and myself proposed a motion on behalf of the residents of Little Billing, requesting that the cabinet take steps to have the main green space there, officially designated as a village green.  It has now been six months since the Leader of the Council promised to visit the people of Little Billing and discuss this issue.  Unfortunately, to date the administration has failed to deliver either of these, and so this Council once again requests that the Cabinet works to have village green status bestowed upon the land at Little Billing.”


(C) Councillor Malpas to move and Councillor Reeve to second:-


“This council requests that in future, portfolio holders and the cabinet endeavour to engage in proper consultation before making decisions.”


(A)   Dr M Dickie addressed the Council and expressed frustration that the WNDC had spurned an approach from CASPAR + NR to work together over this issue and had not consulted the local County Councillor or the Borough Ward Councillors.  She commented that Northampton had a history stretching back over a thousand years to which the Shoe Industry had contributed a relatively small part.  It was important that changes had to be right for the town. 


Councillor Clarke then moved and Councillor Hawkins seconded “This Council notes that the West Northamptonshire Development Corporation (WNDC) Planning Committee for Northampton has approved a planning application, submitted by Northamptonshire County Council, for public art known as “The Needle and Canopy” in Castle Ward at the junction of St Andrews Road, St Peter’s Way, Black Lion Hill and Westbridge.


This Council further notes that:


The Northampton Borough Council Planning Committee resolved on 24 October 2007, when consulted, “That the Council raise objections to the application for the following reasons”:


1.      The application is premature until the conclusion of the Town Centre Area Action Plan and a Strategy for the Adjacent Ancient Monuments and the Cultural Heritage.


2.      That the concept would spoil the visual amenity of the Gateway to the Town Centre”.


At the request of Overview and Scrutiny the Leader of the Council wrote to WNDC to request they postpone the development work in the area pending the report of the Historic Buildings/Regeneration Opportunities Task and Finish Group.


“The Needle and Canopy” were selected by competition held in private with no public participation in consideration of the alternatives.


Serious concerns have been raised as to the suitability of the “Needle and Canopy” in this important and historic location.


This Council calls on the West Northamptonshire Development Corporation and Northamptonshire County Council to withdraw their plans for “The Needle and Canopy” and to implement a full and thorough public consultation on the appropriate artwork to occupy this important historic approach to the town centre.”


The motion was debated.


Upon a vote the motion was carried unanimously.


(B)    Mr Keith Bonham on behalf of residents at Little Billing expressed disappointment that the Cabinet had not already acted to grant village green status to Little Billing Green when they had the opportunity in July 2007.  He commented that the Cabinet had never discussed the petition that had been presented and the Leader of the Council had not approached residents.  He sought the Council’s support for their wish for Little Billing Green to be designated a village green.


Councillor Malpas proposed and Council Palethorpe seconded that “In July 2007 Councillor Palethorpe and myself proposed a motion on behalf of residents of Little Billing, requesting that the Cabinet take steps to have the main green space there, officially designated as a village green.  It has now been six months since the Leader of the Council promised to visit the people of Little Billing and discuss this issue.  Unfortunately, to date the administration has failed to deliver either of these, and so this Council once again requests that the Cabinet works to have village green status bestowed upon the land at Little Billing”.


The motion was debated.


Upon a vote the motion was carried.


(C)   Mr N Adams commented that much of the evening’s meeting had been taken up with discussing consultation however the Council needed to take its own advice and ensure that it consulted with people just as it expected third parties to consult with it.


Mr C Swinn commented that he believed that the Council did not really understand what consultation meant in a participatory democracy.  He commented that using the example of the Tenant Participation Survey the Council had made an agreement with its tenants but had not kept to it.


Councillor Malpas moved and Councillor Reeve seconded: “This Council requests that in future Portfolio Holders and the Cabinet endeavour to engage in proper consultation before making decisions”.


The motion was debated.


Councillor Simpson proposed and Councillor Perkins seconded: “That the question now be put”.


Upon a vote the motion was carried.


Upon a vote the substantive motion was carried unanimously.