Agenda item

Cabinet Member Presentations

(copies herewith)


At this point each of the Cabinet members made a presentation on their respective Portfolios which had been circulated with the agenda.


In presenting his Portfolio update Councillor Woods referred to a meeting with the Government Monitoring Board on 17 January 2008 where it had been confirmed that the Council was substantially moving forward.  Revenues and Benefits were now meeting the disengagement criteria.   Leisure Services, Planning and Finance were on the way to meeting the disengagement criteria that had been set.  Councillor Woods also referred to a report that had been circulated in respect of the establishment of a joint strategic Planning Committee and which would be considered as a Matter of Urgency later on in the meeting.  He further commented that the SUSTRANS Connect 2 Scheme which he had reported on at the last meeting of the Council had been successful in its bid for funding.


Councillor Hadland, in noting that Councillor Larratt was standing down from the WNDC Board and that nominees were required to declare their support for that body, queried how the Liberal Democrat Group were going to reconcile this against their publicly stated position.  Councillor Woods commented that he was opposed to the West Northamptonshire Development Corporation as being an undemocratic body but as part of their function was to oversee the regeneration of the town the Liberal Democrat Group needed to have a role in this and therefore supported it to that extent.  He noted that there were five different delivery vehicles within the Milton Keynes South Midlands Development Area but only the one for West Northamptonshire was a Development Corporation.  The Liberal Democrat Group had to accept the roles as the current Government had set them.


Councillor Church, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, presented his Portfolio update and referred to signing of a Heads of Terms Agreement with Legal and General for the Expansion and Regeneration of the Grosvenor Centre.  He also noted that the footpath works at the river frontage in Beckets Park to the town centre had already started.


Councillor Clarke enquired as to what a Heads of Terms Agreement really was.  Councillor Church commented that it was about land issues and put in place a framework for a legal agreement to follow.  He hoped that a legal agreement would be concluded during the first half of 2008.  A great deal of work remained to be done with Planning, the County Council, the bus companies and the WNDC.  In answer to a question from Councillor Larratt, Councillor Church commented that he could not predict when the groundworks would actually commence.


Councillor Beardsworth, the Portfolio Holder for Housing then presented her Portfolio update and commented that Revenues and Benefits performance in dealing with new claims was now in the top quartile of comparisons.  The Council congratulated the staff involved.  She further commented that performance in Voids was causing concern and a series of meetings were being held to identify problems and put in place solutions.


Councillor Davies asked whether there was an effect on routine maintenance if the best teams were diverted to Voids repairs.  Councillor Beardsworth commented that there had been no effect on normal housing maintenance.  Councillor Beardsworth accepted the thanks of Councillor Meredith upon the work of the Homelessness section.


Councillor Mildren as the Portfolio Holder for Finance then presented his Portfolio update and in answer to a question from Councillor Hadland indicated that the comment in respect of Use of Resources referred to the situation up to March 2007.


Councillor Larratt commented that he was pleased to see the comments in respect of the Sea Cadets and enquired what the percentage net increase in rent to them was.  He also queried the criteria used to support organisations and how this reconciled with Northampton Town Football Club’s rent of £1 per annum for Sixfields.


Councillor Mildren indicated that he would write to Councillor Larratt with the percentage increase in rent that applied to the Sea Cadets and further commented that the agreement with Northampton Town Football Club for use of Sixfields had been concluded by a previous Council many years previously.  Generally speaking, the Council needed to balance the Council’s need to get the best overall deal for Northampton as a whole against the benefits provided by groups to the community.


(NB   Councillor Clarke declared a personal interest in this part of the debate in so far as it concerned Northampton Town Football Club, due to his being an employee of the Club.)


Councillor Crake as the Portfolio Holder for Environment then presented her Portfolio update.  Councillor J Lill in noting that Fixed Penalty Notices could be issued by Neighbourhood Wardens to cyclists riding on the pavements, enquired how many wardens were so empowered and how many FPNs had been issued.  Councillor Crake indicated that she would write to Councillor J Lill with this information.


Councillor Larratt enquired what legislation Neighbourhood Wardens were empowered to enact and Councillor Crake specifically referred to litter and rubbish and indicated that she would send a detailed response to Councillor Larratt.


Councillor Edwards enquired as to why the public toilets in St James were not open on Saints’ match days and Councillor Crake undertook to find out and respond to Councillor Edwards.


Councillor Glynane as the Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Safety then presented his Portfolio update and made particular reference to Holocaust Memorial Day on 27 January.


Councillor Hill queried why the Collingtree Bus Shelter which had been accidentally demolished was not being replaced until April.  Councillor Glynane commented that this issue fell within Councillor Church’s Portfolio area and in answer to a question from Councillor Hadland commented that the comprehensive review of car parking would be strategic, taking account of the redevelopment of the town centre and the County Council’s proposals for park and ride.  He commented that he wished all Councillors to be involved.


Councillor Clarke commented that the One Stop Shop did not appear to be aware of the availability of budget consultation leaflets and Councillor Glynane commented that he would check this but noted that three public meetings had already been held together with a public Overview and Scrutiny meeting.

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