Agenda item

Cabinet Member Presentations

(copies herewith)


At this point each of the Cabinet members made a presentation on their respective portfolios which had been circulated with the agenda.  In presenting his portfolio update Councillor Woods clarified that the timetable on the back of his report was not part of the report.  He thanked John Edwards for all his work and efforts over the last eight months commenting that John would not be leaving immediately as he would be assisting the Council in its preparation for the next Audit Commission Progess Assessment.  He then referred to the fact that the WNDC had invited the administration to appoint an observer to the WNDC Board and that he would be taking up this role.  Councillor Woods then referred to the leaflet that had been circulated urging everyone to support the Connect 2 scheme which was a project to develop new routes for walkers and cyclists in Northampton and which had reached the final shortlist with the national charity SUSTRANS.  Members then asked questions regarding the Portfolio presentation.Councillor Hadland  referred to a virement to one of the voluntary organisations that had been made by Cabinet at its last meeting and the question asked  how  other voluntary organisations would be dealt with in future.  Councillor Woods advised that they would be dealt with as in the past through CEFAP.In this particular instance there had been a request for emergency funding for a variety of reasons and as Leader he had taken a delegated decision to help.  He added that given the nature of the organisation he had not wanted to give the issue too much publicity.


Councillor Crake, Portfolio Holder for Environment then presented her Portfolio Update which covered the Carbon Management Programme, Recycling, Refuse Collections, Ecton Lane Travellers Site, Smoke Free Legislation, Health and Safety Awareness for Warehousing and Logistics Industry, Integrated Housing IT Systems, Street Scene, Community Cleanups, the End of Life Vehicle Impound Scheme and Sheep Street Toilets.  Questions were asked regarding Refuse Collection and Recycling and the Ecton Lane Travellers Site.  It was noted that a pilot regarding glass collection was being carried in January next year and if this was successful it was hoped to extend the scheme to the rest of the town.


In response to a question regarding the Ecton Lane Travellers Site, Councillor Crake advised that a report was due to be considered in private by Cabinet at its meeting on 3 December.


Councillor Beardsworth, Portfolio Holder for Housing then presented her Portfolio which covered issues such as Housing Department Performance, Partnership Working, Housing Inspection, NTACT, Choice Based Lettings, Housing Visioning Day and Estate Regeneration.  She responded to questions regarding rent arrears and stated that in terms of rent arrears they had set up a three point attack and were now actively seeking people for money and that this in effect was making the figures look worse as debt previously unknown was being recovered as a result of this proactive approach.


In response to further questions she stated that the Housing Visioning Day would be held in November and that NTACT was meeting on a two weekly basis and she and Housing Officers were helping NTACT with their plans.


Councillor Glynane, Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Safety then presented his Portfolio Update which referred to the Community Safety in Partnership, the Balloon Festival and the Museum service in Spring Boroughs.


Questions were asked regarding the Balloon Festival and its future.  Councillor Glynane stated that a report was due to be presented on the Balloon Festival to the 3 December Cabinet and invited Councillors and the public to come to that meeting to make their views known.  In response to a question regarding crime and rising burglary in the town it was noted that in the run up to Christmas the Police would be setting up action teams and had plans in place and were working hard to reduce the number of burglaries.  He also agreed to liaise with the Portfolio Holder for Housing to pass on advice to Council tenants regarding reducing crime and burglaries.


Councillor Mildren, Portfolio Holder for Finance then presented his Portfolio Update which covered issues such as the financial accounts position, use of resources assessment and the Northampton Door to Door Service.


A question was asked with regard to the Balloon Festival Outturn Figures and Councillor Mildren clarified that the deficit in the budget would be between £336,000 and £367,000.  A further question was asked regarding the Northampton Door to Door Service and whether any talks were being held with Northamptonshire County Council with a view to them restoring matched funding to this organisation.  Councillor Mildren stated he was continuing to try to set up a meeting with the County Council to discuss this issue.


Councillor Hoare, Portfolio Holder for Performance then presented his Portfolio Update which covered the Corporate Plan, Performance, ICT Services, Meeting Services, Licensing, Legal Services, Pay and Grading Review, Attendance Management and Appraisal Systems.  He stated that the Pay and Grading Review was proceeding well.  Reference was made to the recent multi-agency checks that had been carried out by the Licensing Department and the question was asked whether the Chair of Licensing Committee would name and shame the owners of those unroadworthy vehicles that had been discovered as a result of the checks.


At this juncture the thirty minute time limit for this item expired and the guillotine came into operation.  As such the remaining Portfolio presentation was duly received and the Mayor advised that any further questions on this Portfolio should be submitted to the Portfolio Holder in writing and a written response would be received to those questions.

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