Agenda item

Cabinet Member Presentations

(copies herewith)


 At this point each of the Cabinet members made a presentation on their respective Portfolios which had been circulated with the agenda.


In presenting his Portfolio update Councillor Woods raised two points.  Firstly to welcome the Chief Executive designate David Kennedy to his first Council meeting.  Secondly he drew attention to paragraph 3 of his report regarding the formation of a joint Planning Committee with South Northamptonshire Council and Daventry District Council and advised that a set of proposals had been drawn up and would be taken to a Cabinet meeting in the near future.  He then advised that the progress assessment had been appended to his report for information.


Members then asked questions regarding this Portfolio presentation.  Further reference was made to the impact of giving responsibility of planning powers to bodies outside this Borough.  It was noted that this was regrettable but that the joint Planning Committee referred to was a Planning Policy Committee and not a Planning Development Committee.


In terms of the Audit Commission Progress Report in response a question Councillor Woods acknowledged the work and efforts that had been put in by the previous administration.


Councilor Glynane portfolio holder for Community Engagement and Safety then presented his portfolio update which touched upon car parks, town centre partnership, shopmobility, the balloon festival, leisure centres, community safety, the safer stronger Northampton Partnership, health and safety, customer services and partnership working. Members then asked questions regarding the update. In response to a query regarding the percentages under community safety regarding anti social behaviour, Councillor Glynane advised that these figures were an approximation.  Note was also made of the number of reported incidents it being noted that these figures were up due to more active measures being taken to address the problem and therefore they had received a higher profile. Councillor Palethorpe posed a question regarding the chairing of the multi agency task groups and advised that he would put in a written question and Councillor Glynane would supply a written response.  Councillor J Lill asked a question regarding the balloon festival and whether as in previous years a working party would be set up to carry out a de brief for this year’s festival.  Councillor Glynane confirmed that there had already been a meeting with the disabled peoples forum and the public would also be invited to talk about the festival at the local democracy week.  He stated that he would also welcome comments from councillors about this years festival.  Further questions were then asked about the balloon festival for example what entrance fee would be charged for next year’s event.  It was noted that this had not yet been determined and also that the final figures for this year’s festival had not yet been finalised.


Councillor Beardsworth as portfolio holder for housing then presented her portfolio update which covered Council Tax, Performance and Homelessness.  She added that she had been liaising with Kettering Borough Council’s Housing Director and that both Councils were working together to deal with particular instances of anti-social behaviour to obtain ASBO’s against a number of individuals.  Other questions were then asked under the headings of services and homelessness.


Councillor Church portfolio holder for Regeneration then presented his portfolio update which covered Local Development Framework, Planning Service, Economic Strategy, the Grosvenor Centre and St John’s Cultural Quarter.  A question was asked with regard to the planning service and assurance sought that the quality of decisions was not being affected by the speed with which they were now having to be delivered. It was noted that the appeals process would be used as a measure of quality in terms of how many appeals were overturned.  In response to a question regarding Grosvenor/Greyfriars it was noted that this was proceeding well, negotiations were continuing and officers were working very hard to achieve the deadline.  A report was due to be submitted to Cabinet at its meeting on Monday 1 October.


At this juncture the thirty minute time limit for this item expired and the guillotine came into operation.  As such the remaining three portfolio presentations were duly received and the Deputy Mayor advised that any further questions on these should be submitted to the portfolio holder in writing and a written response would be received to those questions.

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