Agenda item

Budget 2007/08 - 2009/10 (report herewith)


Councillor Hadland as Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder delivered his Budget Statement.  He apologised for the delay in starting the meeting and explained the reasons why it had now been decided to defer consideration of the Budget until 21st February.  He briefly outlined the procedure in terms of this year’s Budget process and also to this year’s consultation exercise, which had resulted in responses in far greater numbers than previously.  He stated that last year it had been possible to set a consensus budge with all three parties but this year there had been budget pressures, which had impacted upon the Council’s expenditure.  Further informal discussions with the other two parties needed to take place to try to achieve a balanced Budget.


Councillor Woods, on behalf of the Opposition, and Councillor Barron, on behalf of the Labour Group, then made their comments upon the Budget Statement accordingly.


Donna Munday, on behalf of the Royal and Derngate Theatres Trust then addressed the Council stating that the Theatre was grateful for the support shown in the past and for the public who had supported the campaign against the cuts in funding.As a result they could now look forward to continuing to provide a service for the Town.  She added that this had never been a political issue for the theatre the only purpose was to save the Theatre and she thanked all those who had made this now possible. 


Anne Gilbert, from the Northampton Volunteering Centre, then addressed the Council stating that she was grateful to see that the Voluntary Sector Grants had been preserved, apart from a £50,000 cut, and she hoped that the status quo would remain.  However, she was concerned about some of the cuts to community centres and urged the Council to rethink this aspect, which had not had a very high profile and was the reason why she was speaking on this point this evening.


Chris Grethe then addressed the Council referring to the various cuts and commenting that, in his opinion, it was an unfair Budget.


Ruby Bliss addressed the Council stating that there was a need to press for Central Government funding to be increased.  She thanked the Council for its support in helping keep the theatres open.  She stated that there was the need for more community initiatives to offset the cuts and advised of a proposed community festival in June, which she would facilitate, and she asked if the Council would be prepared to support in any non financial way.


Mr Adams addressed the Council, commenting on the County Council funding cuts to the disabled.  He asked why the Borough Council was wasting money on training when it did not keep the staff and why consultants were being employed.  He referred to the Housing and Money Advice merger with the one stop shop and expressed the view that the Town needed this service.  He asked that some alternative budgets be presented for consideration.


Dr R Mendel, President of Northampton Trades Council, then addressed the Council.  He stated that he was going to present a petition, signed by one thousand five hundred people, opposing the cuts in the proposed budget but that he would now present this at the reconvened Council meeting the following week.  He mentioned funding to consultants and issues with senior management and to the impact these issues would have on the Budget.  He added that there was the need for an alternative method for financing local services. 


Harry Tuttle addressed the Council on behalf of Abington and Kingsley Pensioners Voice and as a campaigner against the cuts.  He briefly elaborated upon the campaign, which had been started as soon as he had heard about the proposed closure of Lings Forum. and was glad to hear that Lings Forum now had a reprieve.


Tina Harvey addressed the Council posing three questions, namely: “Do you love Northampton?”, “Do you want Northampton to become a ghost town?”, “What would be the effects of your proposals on vulnerable people?”  She then stated that all groups within the community should be able to enjoy Northampton and hoped that the proposals being put forward in the Budget would not ruin the Town. 


Mike Littlewood then addressed the Council asking if Council could give assurance that savings would be achieved without compulsory redundancies.


Anne True asked if Council would agree that any person seeking voluntary redundancy would be entitled to the same package as had been offered to senior managers previously. 


Following the addresses the debate on the Budget stood adjourned to the meeting on 21 February.

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