Agenda item

Notice of Motion

Councillor Simpson to move and Councillor Church to second;-

This Council recognises that tackling crime and fear of crime is one of the top priorities for citizens of Northampton.


The Council welcomes the development of Safer Community Teams within the town and the appointment of Police Community Support Officers as part of the expanding team that enables more visible community policing in our town.


This Council notes that the Northamptonshire Police Authority is facing a funding shortfall for 2007/2008.


This Council therefore resolves to support Northamptonshire Police Authority in lobbying the Government to recognise that Northamptonshire receives less funding per head of population than the national average. In the light of this and the future growth of the town  Northampton has a particular need for increased investment in Community Policing.


Furthermore as a member of the Safer Communities Partnership Northampton Borough Council resolves to work with the police to support Safer Community Teams through such initiatives as providing space in Council offices/premises from which Safer Community Teams can work.


NB   Councillor Church declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in the following as a member of the Police Authority.


Councillor Simpson moved and Councillor Church seconded the following motion:- “This Council recognises that tackling crime and fear of crime is one of the top priorities for citizens of Northampton.


The Council welcomes the development of Safer Community Teams within the town and the appointment of Police Community Support Officers as part of the expanding team that enables more visible community policing in our town.


This Council notes that the Northamptonshire Police Authority is facing a funding shortfall for 2007/08.


This Council therefore resolves to support Northamptonshire Police Authority in lobbying the Government to recognise that Northamptonshire receives less funding per head of population than the national average.  In the light of this and the future growth of the town Northampton has a particular need for increased investment in community policing.


Furthermore as a member of the Safer Communities Partnership Northampton Borough Council resolves to work with the Police to support Safer Community Teams through such initiatives as providing space in Council offices/premises from which Safer Community Teams can work.”


At this juncture Mr Varnsverry addressed the Council commenting that tackling crime and fear of crime was one of the top priorities for Northampton.  He added that Northampton would change beyond all recognition in the next twenty years and therefore an adequate police force was essential and he therefore asked why the force was currently in an impoverished state with services being cut.  He stated that he had attended various events with the Safer Community Teams and this was very popular both with the Police and the public.  It would be a retrograde step if the Safer Community Teams were to be cut.  He asked that the Council support this motion.


In accordance with the new Constitution an amendment to the motion had been circulated and this was duly moved by Councillor Marriott and seconded by Councillor Roy namely that a further paragraph be inserted as the last paragraph to read “This Council further notes the recent concerns that have been expressed by the public on the current budget proposals that include cutting the anti-social behaviour unit and neighbourhood wardens.  This Council believes cutting the services in this year’s budget directly relating to tackling anti-social behaviour would further undermine public confidence in Northampton Borough Council.  This Council agrees these priorities for retention in the forthcoming budget to go before Cabinet on 29 January 2007.”


Councillor Simpson as mover of the original motion accepted the amendment.


The Mayor then advised he had just been notified of a further amendment which did not comply under the rules of the new Constitution in that it had not been circulated prior to the meeting but that he would be prepared on this first occasion to allow it to be considered.


Councillor Woods moved and Councillor Roy seconded that “this further additional amendment be not put”.  This was duly voted upon and carried and therefore the second amendment was ruled out of order and not taken.


The motion as amended with the insertion of an additional last paragraph as set out above was then voted upon and carried.