Agenda item

To answer questions asked under Council Procedural Rule 5.2.


(A)   Councillor Roy asked a question of Councillor Palethorpe as the Portfolio Holder if he could give an update on the progress with regard to the Community Safety Gating Improvements in Park Walk, Kings Heath and advise what progress had been made since she last asked the question in Council.  Also whether he could advise how this improvement on the status of the project differed when she first asked the question in Council in May.  She also asked whether the response could be given to her in writing.  Councillor Palethorpe reminded that initially there had been an objection from the Fire Service relating to gates being placed at either end of the shops with the reason being that the door entry system that was being looked at would lead to complications associated with the fire exit from the flats.  In addition it had also been highlighted that due to the design of the shop, the proposal may not necessarily be aesthetically pleasing to the community.  The issue was now being progressed by the CASPAR officer and the Neighbourhood Management Coordinator and hopefully would be resolved one way or another within the next couple of months.  Funding had been identified but was limited and this could be the deciding factor whether it went ahead.  Consultation had not been as detailed as it would have been wished and the exact amount of funding had not been assessed.  However, residents would be made aware of any decisions as soon as possible.  Councillor Roy then asked a supplementary question whether when she posed another similar question in future it could be discussed in two separate parts, ie in terms of the existing gating which had never been satisfactory and in terms of possible new gating.  Councillor Palethorpe agreed to this.


(B)   Councillor Roy then asked a question of Councillor Caswell as the Portfolio Holder whether he could advise what proportion of the land receipts of the Borough owned land on the proposed Dallington Grange development would be reinvested for community facilities for specifically local Spencer Ward citizens.  Also she asked whether he could advise what the Borough Council’s position was on attempting to influence the proportion of Section 106 funding in terms of reinvestment in Spencer Ward for the good of local Spencer Ward citizens.  She  asked whether a response could be given in writing.  Councillor Caswell stated that the question was somewhat premature as Cabinet had not yet had the chance to consider the item.  As such he was therefore unable to advise what proportion, if any of land receipts would be reinvested for community facilities specifically in Spencer Ward or across the Town as a whole.  He stated that he was aware that officers were working collaboratively with all the public agencies to maximise the regenerative effect of the Dallington development locally and for Northampton generally.  The proposals regarding land sale at Dallington would be brought to Cabinet in the future.  Councillor Roy then asked a supplementary question if he would let her know at what point in time Cabinet would consider this issue.  Councillor Caswell stated that she would be consulted accordingly. 


(C)   Councillor Hill then asked a series of questions of Councillor Larratt as the Portfolio Holder regarding cemeteries.  He asked how many spaces remained vacant in the Council’s cemeteries, when, at the current usage rate, the cemeteries would be full, what plans the Council had to provide additional cemeteries,and whether English Partnerships were still prepared to make land between the Warren, Hardingstone and Brackmills link road available to the Council for cemetery use. If the answer to this was yes then he asked where did this land fall in the Council’s future cemetery plans.  Councillor Larratt stated that currently with the new extension to Kingsthorpe there were two thousand, seven hundred spaces available which was around three years requirement and that there was also another piece of land available in two years which would be made ready in time for further extension.  In terms of additional cemeteries various pieces of land were being looked at including unused allotment space in Duston. In terms of English Partnerships being prepared to make land available it was noted that talks with English Partnerships were in the very early stages and therefore this could not be clarified at this stage.  However it was likely that some land would be made available for cemetery provision.


(D)   Councillor Hill then asked a couple of questions to Councillor Larratt as the Portfolio Holder with regard to Abington Park Lake.  He asked how much money the Council had spent on Abington Park Lane in each of the past three years and were there plans to spend any additional money on the lake. If so where did it envisage the money coming from.  Councillor Larratt stated that two years ago £220,000 had been spent dredging the bottom lake, all the pathways and kerbing with new weirs being installed and imported new clay to reseal the lake.  He added that there were no plans to spend any further monies at this time. 


(E)   Councillor McCutcheon then asked a question which Councillor Hadland responded to in Councillor Miah’s absence.  Councillor McCutcheon stated that the Council owned flats primarily two storey and above, without security doors fitted, were open access to non-residents.  He stated that in his Ward some landings on the first floor were being used as a drinking den along with some drug misuse and general anti-social behaviour.  The Community Warden and Police Community Beat Officer were aware of the problems.  He  asked if the Council would review its policy and secure its properties in affected areas.  He stated that residents should not have to tolerate such antisocial behaviour outside their front doors.  Councillor Hadland stated that the Property Maintenance Manager had presented a report on door entry systems and doors to the Housing Repairs Task & Finish Group and that this Group would make their recommendations for future developments upon detailed consideration of the report.  There was no current policy in place however and this would be developed following appointment of the Electrical Services Team Leader due to be interviewed on 30 November.  There were a number of Community Safety Forums/Meetings which discussed issues relating to anti-social behaviour and how we as a Council with our Stakeholders could implement sustainable solutions to the problem.  A specific location could be discussed at this Forum or alternatively bids submitted via Housing Officers for funding through Environmental Enhanced Scheme.